네이버카페 광고 차단 How to block Naver Cafe app ads and disadvantages of removing them

네이버카페 광고 차단Advertising revenue is good, but shouldn’t it be done in moderation?

Modern people live in a flood of advertisements. Advertising isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can convey necessary information and obtain new information, and for some, it can be a shortcut to get to the information they want at the moment they need it.

There are advertisements on my blog, but I really dislike excessive advertisements or advertisements that obscure the user’s movement and necessary information. I think you’ll all be similar to me because I think we’ve all had the experience of searching for information but only seeing advertisements. .

These days, people are familiar with the Internet, so traffic is money, so large platform operators don’t seem to find it too difficult to insert advertisements into users’ movements. Not long ago, there was controversy when an advertisement appeared on Samsung smartphones, and Naver could not be left out.

It’s been a while since ads started being added to Naver service apps, and although it was tolerable for a while, I thought the recent update to the Naver Cafe app was a bit harsh. Advertisements are placed between articles, but the size of the batter advertisements is large, so you may accidentally touch them, and they appear continuously every 21 articles, creating a significant visual burden.

If you have a modern smartphone, you can remove these ads through simple settings. Although this method allows you to get rid of ads, it also has its drawbacks.

Naver ad blocking settings menu

It’s very simple to remove ads. Based on Samsung smartphones, you can set up private DNS in Settings > Connections > Other connection settings menu.

If you set the DNS provider host name to dns.adguard.com in the private DNS settings and re-run the cafe app, you can see that the advertisement has disappeared from the list.

I think the ad blocking effect is really good because the ads that appear at the top of the cafe app main screen and at the bottom of the text are also blocked.

Older smartphones that do not have this setting can be resolved by using an ad blocking app. The Intra app is worth a try because it supports both DNS bypass and ad blocking functions. It doesn’t completely block all domestic advertisements, but it does block them to some extent, and Naver Cafe app advertisements don’t appear.

But there is a downside. Speed ​​may be slowed down because it has to go through another DNS. In fact, I have no choice but to turn off the DNS host setting right now due to slow speeds. This is fine if there is a lot of text content, but if there are a lot of images, it takes a buffer.

These days, most people use a lot of images and the images are large in size, so it was frustrating because the buffer kept getting stuck in the cafe.
Of course, I understand that there are some ads because you can’t dig up the ground and do business(?), but I don’t really like seeing ads that ruin the user experience. Naver is a company that makes a lot of money, so it would be nice if excessive advertisements were lowered to improve the quality of service, but they wouldn’t do that, right? hehe
Many people are uncomfortable, and cafe members are also complaining, so it would be nice to see some improvements.

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