나라사랑카드 재발급 How to apply for reissuance of KB Kookmin Country Love Card, check various benefits

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Reissuance of KB Nara Love Card

Regarding the love of country card that all soldiers have, we will organize how to reissue it due to loss and damage.

What is KB Kookmin Country Love Card, card benefits, and reissuance method will be summarized in order.

① What is Love of Country Card? ② Benefits of KB Kookmin Love of Country Card ③ How to reissue KB Kookmin Love of Country Card

The Love Country Card is a check card with functions such as an electronic bankbook, cash card, and electronic military service card that is mandatory when you undergo a military service examination, which is the first step as a soldier.

You can select the card issued by Industrial Bank of Korea or KB Bank and issue the Nara Sarang Card.

Nara Love Card Bank

You can choose to issue the Love Your Country Card from Industrial Bank of Korea or KB Kookmin Bank.
We will explain in detail the benefits of the Nararasara Card issued by KB Kookmin Card.

Source: KB Nara Love Card benefits

① Gunmart (P.X) and GS25 Navy Mart refund discount
Source: KB Kookmin Country Love Card Mart Discount

You can get a discount of up to 50,000 won per month, and you can get a 20% discount on a purchase of up to 100,000 won.

② Movie CGV 35% Discount up to KRW 7,000
③ Starbucks 20% discount up to KRW 4,000
④ Outback, VIPS 20% discount up to KRW 10,000
⑤ Everland, Lotte World 50% discount up to KRW 25,000
⑥ GS Home Shopping, CJ Home Shopping, G Market, Auction 5% discount up to KRW 2,500
⑦ 20% discount on public transportation up to KRW 10,000
⑧ Kyobo Book Center 5% discount up to KRW 2,500
⑨ Up to 2,500 monthly discount on automatic transfer of telecom charges

Services provided for salary transfer through the Armed Forces Financial Management Agency
① KB Kookmin Bank automated machine withdrawal and transfer fee exemption
② Withdrawal and transfer fee exemption from automated machines other than KB Kookmin Bank
③ Internet, mobile, and phone banking transfer fees to other banks are exempted

When you need to reissue a Nara Sarang Card due to damage or loss during use, you must report the loss first.

① Online application ② Call center application ③ Application by visiting a bank or Military Manpower Administration

Apply for lost or reissued login using KB Kookmin Card website or application

Reissuance of KB Card

Select KB Country Love Card

Apply for KB Country Love Card

Call Kookmin Bank Call Center 1588-1788 Connect to counselor number 2 to report loss and apply for reissuance right away

Apparently, the fastest way to apply is to call the call center and report the loss right away and apply for a reissue, so I confirmed that it was the most convenient way to do it over the phone.

If you apply by visiting the Kookmin Bank website, call center, or directly at the bank, you can receive it by mail.

So far, we have checked the various benefits of the KB Kookmin Country Love Card and how to apply for reissuance.
If you lose it, do not panic and call the call center right away or reissue it online.

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>> How to apply for reissuance of driver’s license
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