꽃말 모음 [Korea] Collection of flower language

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[Korea] Collection of flower language

We have summarized the language of flowers in Korea and the meaning of each flower. It would be a good reference when looking for pretty flower language, when you want to give a bouquet with meaning as a gift, or when you want to find flowers with meaning.

In Istanbul, the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century, each flower was given a flower language to match, believing that flowers contained God’s message. Afterwards, a custom called selam arose, in which people gift meaningful flowers to their loved ones, and the recipient also conveys his or her intentions through flower gifts.
In the 18th century, Mary Wortley Montagu from England in 1717 and Aubry de La Mottraye from France in 1727 each introduced flower language to people in their books and it became popular in England. It is done. Since then, it has spread around the world, and although it has different meanings in each country, it generally follows the flower language that was popular in England.

[Western] Collection of flower language
We have summarized the Western flower language and the meaning of each flower language. It would be a good reference when looking for pretty flower language, when you want to give a bouquet with meaning as a gift, or when you want to find flowers with meaning. Randomly
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