기미 없애는법 12 ways to get rid of freckles

기미 없애는법


The spots and blemishes on the face make the face look dull and look older than the wrinkles.It is caused by various causes such as acne, ultraviolet rays, and hormonal changes.Let’s find out how to manage it easily at home.

12 ways to get rid of freckles

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Table of Contents

black spot
cause of spots
Types of freckles and blemishes.
How to get rid of freckles.
anti-spots and blemishes

black spot
Flags are pigmented diseases that occur in irregular and various sizes, such as brown spots on the skin.A person’s skin color is controlled by melanin, and excessive secretion of melanin produces darker spots and blemishes than his or her skin color.


It is mainly caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, rapid changes in hormones, and side effects of drugs.First of all, you should know exactly what type of spots and blemishes you have and treat them.


cause of spotty blemishes
1. Sun Damage

The main cause of black spots, liver spots, or freckles is sun damage.Excessive exposure to UVA/UVB rays directly from the sun or using a tanning bed causes collagen to decompose and skin to produce excessive melanin, causing discoloration or hyperpigmentation.In particular, damage may not appear immediately if you are young, but in your 40s, the effect of sun damage is more pronounced.It is the biggest cause of spots and blemishes.


2. Hormonal changes

Signs and blemishes can occur due to rapid changes in hormones such as pregnancy or menopause.

3. Hyperpigmentation after inflammation (acne scar)

Acne patients often leave skin damage by squeezing or popping acne.As a result, black spots or excessive pigmentation.



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Types of blemishes
Spots and blemishes do not disappear easily, so patience and constant effort are required.


black mushroom

Black mushrooms, called “boredom keratosis,” are skin diseases caused by hyperplasia of skin epidermal cells.The reason black mushrooms develop is exposure to ultraviolet rays.Ninety percent of people over the age of 60 have black mushrooms.However, even young people have black mushrooms due to exposure to ultraviolet rays, even if they are not faces.Make sure to apply sunscreen and avoid outdoor tanning.Tanning shops are prohibited.As the tanned skin gradually returns to its own skin, you will find spots and blemishes.

black-skinned disease

Black skin disease is caused by hormonal changes.In the case of women, hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menopause occur when they become severe.It can also occur when oral contraceptives, side effects of hormone therapy, and thyroid problems occur.If it’s because of the medicine you’re taking normally, consult a doctor and change it to a replaceable medicine.

postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)

It is mainly caused by pigmentation on the skin after inflammatory acne.It may also appear after plastic surgery or high concentrations of chemical peeling.Try not to touch acne with your hands as much as possible.Keep in mind that the more you touch it, the worse the pigmentation becomes.It is recommended to consult a dermatologist for advice and treatment.

How to get rid of freckles.
1. Citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, etc.)


Partial pack with citrus fruits.

Citrus and citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, and help peel the epidermal layer without skin damage.Generally, lemons are used a lot, but citrus oranges, grapefruits, and limes may be used.



감 Citrus fruits

Juice the fruit you want.Wet a cotton pad and place it on the pigmented area.Leave it for 20 minutes.Wash it off with water.Do it once every other day.


레Lemon and honey

Juice half a lemon and mix it well with 2 teaspoons of honey.Put it on your face for 30 minutes.Wash it off with water.


과Scrub preparation for fruit and powdered milk powder

Mix 1 teaspoon of water, powdered milk, and citrus fruit juice.Apply it to the pigmented area, gently rub it, and wash it off.



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2 Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.Vitamin E helps repair damaged skin and strengthens skin barriers.It can be used as a local area treatment or can be effective through ingestion.

topical treatment
If you apply pure vitamin E oil to the pigmented area every day, the pigments will gradually fade.


ingestion through food
Nuts (almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, etc.), sunflower seeds, malt and dried apricots.


3. Papaya.

Papaya contains a lot of papain enzymes.It is rich in vitamins C and E, so it is effective in eliminating pigmentation.Papain enzymes are most commonly contained when papaya is still green, but you can eat cooked ones.



Cut papaya into slices and place on top of the pigments.You can leave it on for 20-30 minutes, and if you do it twice a day, you can see a lot of effects.
Papaya Pack: Cut papaya into large chunks and blend using a blender.Apply papaya, which has a dough-like texture, to the face like a pack and rinse it after about 30 minutes.


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4. Yogurt or butter milk

Both yogurt and butter milk contain a large amount of lactic acid, brightening the skin and exfoliating to improve freckles and blemishes.Apply it directly to the skin like a mast pack, hold it for 20 minutes, and wash it off.


5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple vinegar contains alpha hydroxy acid that removes dead skin cells.It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which brightens and helps heal the skin.Mix apple cider vinegar and water in the same ratio.Wash it 20 minutes after applying it to the area.


6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is famous for its health benefits in many ways.It contains antioxidants of vitamins A, C, and E.It has excellent moisturizing effects, improves burn healing and pigmentation, and helps to uniformize skin tone.In particular, it is effective in pigmentation caused by ultraviolet rays.If you have aloe vera plants at home, cut the leaves, divide them in half, scratch the jelly flesh, and apply it directly to the skin.Aloe vera gel on the market may be used.Buy 100% pure aloe vera.


7. Red Onion

Onions have acidic substances that play a role in lightening pigmentation, so if you don’t have lemons in your water right away, it’s worth using instead.


Peel the red onion, cut it into chunks, and grind it in a blender.Wet it with a cotton pad, place it on your skin, and wash it after 15 minutes.



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8. Retinoid

Vitamin A quickly promotes cell rotation, peeling off the outer layer of the skin, and promoting cell rejuvenation.It also inhibits melanin (skin-producing pigments that produce black spots).Retinol and retinoid are different, and retinol is vitamin A, which is not stronger than retinoid.


9. Salicylic Acid

It softens the skin to remove dead skin cells and helps regenerate new cells.Salicylic acid is widely used to treat acne, which can improve pigmentation caused by acne as well as treat acne.


10. Glycolic acid

AHA (alphahydroxinic acid) extracted from sugar is a natural exfoliator.It removes dead skin and promotes the growth of new skin cells.Choose a product that contains more than 10% of the product.


11. Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone can be used locally to safely remove spots.It is used to contain cojic acid that has a bleaching effect.


12. Medical treatment

If you want quick results, you can choose dermatological treatment.However, a single treatment cannot remove all stains and blemishes.After consulting a doctor, you should receive treatment that suits your condition.

Chemical peeling-Removes the top layer of the skin to promote skin regeneration.
Microfacilitation – Like chemical peeling, it removes the uppermost layer of the skin to promote skin regeneration.
Laser therapy – There are various types of laser therapy that reduce melanin accumulated in a specific area.

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anti-sparkling blemishes
1. Sunscreen

The sun is the main cause of freckles and blemishes.Apply a sunscreen of SPF30 or higher.


2. Don’t tanning.

Some people tan regularly in summer.Tanning machines use bulbs that emit harmful ultraviolet rays.


3. Using Vitamin A and exfoliating products

It becomes sensitive to the sun after using vitamin A and exfoliating products.It is used in the evening and avoids the sun by wearing hats, sunglasses, and mass production as much as possible during the day.기미 없애는법