국제면허증 발급방법(feat. 준비물, 비용, 유효기간, 가능국가) International driver’s license issuance method (feat. materials, cost, validity period, available countries)

How to issue an international driver’s license

To drive abroad, you must have an international driver’s license. In some countries, there are countries where you can drive even if you have a Korean driver’s license, but many countries do not apply yet, so you need an international driver’s license. Therefore, in this article, we will learn more about how to issue an international driver’s license.

국제면허증 발급방법

Please refer to the article below for information on countries where international driver’s licenses and English driver’s licenses can be used.
Countries where international driver’s licenses are available
Countries where English driver’s license is available

국제면허증 발급방법

Driver’s License – Picture

There are two ways to issue an International Driving Permit.

1. Issuance after directly visiting related institutions (license test center, police station, or city hall and county office)

2. Online issuance (Road Traffic Authority website)


The advantage of visiting in person is that you can receive it right on the day of application. It can be issued within 30 minutes at the earliest and 3 hours at the latest. However, in the case of online issuance, it takes about 7 to 10 days, and the cost is more expensive than the cost of issuance in person, including the registration fee. Let’s look at each issuance method in more detail below.


1. In-person issuance
For issuance by visit, the following items are required. You will also need to fill out an application form, but it is not necessary to prepare in advance as it is prepared by the visiting organization.

1) Passport → Can be omitted if you agree to the ‘shared use of administrative information’ when filling out the application form

2) Driver’s license

3) Passport photo (3.5cm x 4.5cm size, taken within 6 months)

4) Fee 8,500 won (card or cash)

5) If an agent applies, the agent’s ID and power of attorney


When applying for an international driver’s license, there must be no fines or fines for violation of vehicle laws. Therefore, if there are fines or fines, you can apply for an international driver’s license after paying them. After preparing the materials, the institutions that can be issued on-site are as follows.

1) Police station

2) Driver’s license test center

3) Each local city hall or county office


You can easily visit it because it is easy to find nearby. In the case of a city hall or county office, it can be issued in about 220 locations nationwide, and city halls can be issued in almost all areas. The picture below is the name of 220 city halls or county offices distributed by the Road Traffic Authority, and it is constantly expanding, so we recommend that you inquire in the area where you live. However, the district office is not applicable.


Local government-list-international driver’s license-issuance


2. Online Issuance
Online issuance is possible at the ‘Korea Transportation Authority integrated civil service site’. You can access it through the homepage link or after searching for ‘international driver’s license’ in the search box, and then accessing the ‘Road Traffic Authority integrated civil service site’. After logging in, you can apply through the menu below on the homepage. The application method is not very difficult, and you can proceed according to the order in which you are guided.


Road Traffic Authority-Integrated Civil Service-Site-Homepage-Photo

1) Identity verification

2) Secondary authentication (Kakao Pay, public certificate, mobile phone authentication, etc. are available.)

3) Agree to the Terms and Conditions (requiredly check consent for ‘shared use of administrative information’ to automatically check passport information)

4) Enter the address to receive your international driver’s license

5) Contact registration (You can receive progress notifications when you agree to receive messages.)

6) Register photo

7) Approval (fee 12,300 won. Basic fee 8,500 won plus registration fee 3,800 won)


It is not difficult to apply, and if you wait after applying, you can get an international driver’s license issued between 7 and 10 days.


In this article, we learned how to issue an international driver’s license. If you are wondering if you can use an international driver’s license in the country you are visiting, please refer to the article below.


> Countries where International Driving Permits are available


If there is a country where you can drive even if you have an English driver’s license among the countries you are visiting, you can drive without an international driver’s license. Please see below for related information. Although English driver’s licenses are available in only about 37 countries, these numbers are not small. thank you