국민행복카드 발급 Issuance of National Happiness Cardy. Besides, the card

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Issuance of National Happiness Card: A New Era of Measuring National Happiness

For years, the Bhutanese government has been measuring their country’s prosperity not in terms of Gross National Product (GNP), but in a more holistic approach known as Gross National Happiness (GNH). So, it comes as no surprise that Bhutan has now launched their latest initiative – the National Happiness Card.

What is the National Happiness Card?

The National Happiness Card is a government-issued ID card, carrying an individual’s personal data and life history, that can be used to obtain government services and discounts on various goods and services. It also aims to measure nationwide happiness levels by gathering and tracking statistical data from the cardholders.

How will it work?

The cardholders’ personal life data and experiences will be used to assess individual and national happiness levels, allowing the government to tailor policies that promote a happier society. Besides, the cardholders’ online and offline transactions are recorded, and they will receive promotions, discounts, and cashback rewards based on their spending habits.

What are the benefits?

By using the National Happiness Card, Bhutanese citizens can receive numerous benefits from government services and private businesses. For instance, cardholders can enjoy up to a 50% discount on health checkups, education, and public transport. They can also get a 10-20% discount on local shops, restaurants, hotels, and airlines, attracting more visitors and promoting the country’s tourism industry. Furthermore, cardholders can earn up to 5% cashback rewards on payment made using the card, helping to boost the country’s domestic economy and push the pace of its digitization.

What are the challenges?

The implementation of the National Happiness Card isn’t going to be an easy feat, as it requires a meaningful investment in technology infrastructure, extensive data management, and data privacy considerations. Furthermore, many people may be hesitant to adopt such a personalized card, citing privacy concerns or ethical issues. As a result, the government must ensure the card’s transparency and security to convince people that it’s not an infringement of their privacy, but rather a tool for their betterment.


The National Happiness Card is a groundbreaking initiative that measures Bhutan’s prosperity by focusing on the happiness levels of its citizens. Although there are several challenges to overcome, the card has the potential to be a transformative tool that promotes the country’s economic growth, digitization, and its people’s well-being. By effectively implementing this initiative, Bhutan can set an example for other countries to explore alternative ways of measuring prosperity beyond financial metrics.


1. Is the National Happiness Card available for foreigners?
No, this initiative is currently limited only to Bhutanese citizens.

2. Is it mandatory to get the National Happiness Card?
No, it’s not mandatory. It’s up to individual citizens to decide if they want to obtain the card or not.

3. Can the government use my personal data for other purposes without my consent?
No, the government must respect the citizen’s data privacy rights and ensure transparent and secure data management.

4. What are the criteria for obtaining the National Happiness Card?
The criteria for obtaining the card are still being finalized by the government, but it will likely involve age, income level, and occupation.

5. Can I change or update the information on my National Happiness Card?
Yes, you can change or update your information on the card by contacting the relevant authorities.

6. Does the National Happiness Card replace other government-issued ID cards?
No, the National Happiness Card complements other government-issued ID cards. It provides additional benefits and rewards for cardholders.

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