국가 자격증 종류 National Qualification Type

Today is a post related to the employment wages of the 2022 national certification recommendation. We have prepared certification information that will be helpful for those who are currently working or preparing for employment. We will introduce which certifications receive preferential treatment in terms of employment, wages, and personnel. And I will also attach a detailed link on how to receive this national certification at government expense (Naeil Learning Card), so please read it to the end and get a lot of help.

국가 자격증 종류

1. Employment, wages and personnel preferential national qualifications 국가 자격증 종류

If you have a national qualification, it will be helpful when you get a job, but since there is a separate allowance for certification while working after getting a job, depending on the certification, you receive preferential wages, such as receiving additional allowances in addition to your monthly salary, ranging from tens of thousands of won to hundreds of thousands of won per month, and additional points when promoted. treated as added. 좋은뉴스 


So, job seekers study hard for certification, but there are also many diligent office workers who secretly prepare certification, receive allowances from the company, and even prepare for a second job after retirement in preparation for the 100-year-old era.


This time, there is data announced by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea. Last year, a survey was conducted targeting 2.27 million people who applied for national technical qualifications. Among them, 780,000 people responded that they were incumbents, and since these 780,000 people (currently working) responded as a result of the answers, it is more realistic than other statistics.


According to the survey results, the highest percentage of respondents gave preferential treatment for recruitment (61.4%), followed by preferential treatment for wages (20.0%), followed by preferential treatment such as promotion, personnel placement, and performance appraisal (18.6%). It is.


For reference, I looked into the standards for monthly license allowances based on public companies affiliated with Seoul. Technicians received 20,000 won, industrial engineers 40,000 won, engineers 50,000 won, and technicians and craftsmen 80,000 won. Companies usually receive anywhere from tens of thousands of won to 500,000 won.


You only have to get a license once, but since you get tens of thousands of won more than other colleagues every month, it’s quite a merit, isn’t it? Based on statistical data, we will first look at the rankings of certifications that receive preferential treatment when recruiting, certifications that receive preferential wages, and certifications that receive preferential personnel management, and then look at the final ranking by certification grade.



Recruitment Preferential Certificate

*Top 5 preferred qualifications when hiring*

1st air conditioning and refrigeration machine industrial engineer
2nd place electrical work industrial engineer
3rd place firefighting equipment industry engineer (electrical field)
4th place gas technician
Top 5 Energy Management Engineer

Wage preferential license
Next, let’s take a look at a certification that provides a lot of preferential wages.


*Top 5 Wage Benefit Certificate*

No. 1 civil engineer
2nd place construction industry engineer
3rd place environmental technician
4th place construction equipment engineer
5th construction safety industry engineer


Personnel Preferential Certificate
Lastly, it is a personnel preference certificate.


*Preferential Personnel Certification Top 5*

No. 1 Fire Forensic Evaluation Article
2nd place dangerous goods technician
3rd place Social Research Analyst Level 2
4th Class Vocational Counselor Level 2
5th construction safety engineer



2. Ranking by certification level

In this way, we have announced the national technical qualifications that are given preferential treatment in the workplace by categorizing them into 5 grades by integrating the preferential recruitment, wage and personnel benefits. The higher the certification level, the higher the percentage of respondents who responded that they received preferential treatment.


Ranking by certification level

National Qualification – Grade – Ranking – Expression
National Qualification – Grade – Ranking

In the service field, the qualifications were Level 2 Clinical Psychologist, Level 2 Occupational Counselor, and Level 2 Social Analyst. Classification by grade showed that fire forensic evaluation technicians ranked first in driver licenses, construction safety industry engineers among industrial engineers, and dangerous materials technicians in technicians. All three of the top 3 were certifications related to the punishment law for serious disasters that started a while ago.


The punishment law for serious disasters passed the National Assembly in January last year and has been implemented since January 27, 2022 this year. In the past, there were several unfortunate deaths of contract workers under poor working conditions and safety regulations, such as the Guui Station screen door death accident and the Taean Thermal Power Plant accident, and in the case of a fire at the Icheon Logistics Center construction site, large-scale human casualties occurred.


As such, the Severe Disaster Act can be briefly summarized as a law in which companies are punished when human casualties occur due to violation of safety measures at industrial sites.


Safety is an important issue in any company, so employees with safety-related certifications are needed, but in preparation for the Severe Disaster Act, safety-related certifications seem to be getting more attention.


Safety-related certifications ranked first in each grade, so I hope those preparing for certifications will refer to what I introduced today.


Among them, if you briefly look at the dangerous material technician, which is relatively the easiest to acquire, there are no restrictions on age, academic background, and experience. You can acquire it by yourself even if you only listen to online lectures in your spare time.





National technical qualifications are helpful for getting a job, but since you can receive additional treatment in terms of wages and promotions, I hope it will be helpful for everyone from job seekers to office workers and middle-aged people preparing for retirement. Do you know that these national qualifications are supported by the national government with the National Tomorrow Learning Card (some of which are borne by you)?


I also received a National Tomorrow Learning Card a while ago and obtained a national qualification, a nursing caregiver license. Please refer to the following post, which summarizes how to apply for the Naeil Learning Card, which supports national qualifications, and how to use the qualifications.