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Kim Yeon-ja’s ‘Joint Bow’ review that is good for bones and joints ~ How to take Joint Bow, efficacy of Joint Bow, side effects, price of Joint Bow, MSM, NAG, gift for sister-in-law
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A month ago, I first heard the name Joint Bogung from my sister-in-law.

When I asked what the joint bogung was, it was a product advertised by Kim Yeon-ja.

I don’t know what it’s good for, but after eating it, my body ached here and there said it didn’t hurt.

He said it must have painkillers in it.

Hey, it’s okay~ Painkillers in health functional food??? I guess not haha

관절보궁 가격

When I, who was taking medicine for rheumatism, said, “If it’s that good, I’ll try it too.”

As if he had heard those words, he sent a box of joint bogung (one month supply) to my house.

He told me to eat this and cheer up because it was difficult to be the secretary of the in-laws’ meeting.

I conveyed my gratitude.

Health functional food is food that helps maintain health.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety evaluates scientific evidence such as animal tests and human application tests.

It is a processed product that has received a health functional food certification mark made with functional ingredients that are recognized as functional ingredients.

Joint Bogung, the first time I saw it and tried it for the first time~

Producer: Vitigene

Joint Bogung 1 set composition (one month supply): Bo (60ml) 60 pouches, Goong 120 pills

A bone that has been researched and developed for a long time. It was called joint health functional food.

It was composed of “Bo” in liquid form and “Gung” in the form of pills, so it was like a combination of oriental medicine and western medicine.

The price seems to be around 300,000 won to 400,000 won.

It’s not polite to ask the price because it was a gift.

Joint Bogung’s essence “Bo” main ingredient

MSM (dietary sulfur): Creates collagen that composes joints and promotes joint and cartilage health

As a raw material that can help, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Other food mixture extracts, jujube concentrate, honey, and red ginseng concentrate were included.

The main ingredients of Joint Bogung “Gung”

NAG: A functional raw material that helps joint and cartilage health extracted from crustaceans.

It is suitable for walking ability and climbing stairs, and is said to have effects on muscle and nerve function, skin moisturization, calcium supplementation, and prevention of osteoporosis.


In addition, seaweed calcium, shark cartilage powder, vitamin D mixture, silicon dioxide,

Boswellia Extract Powder, Green Lipped Mussel Powder, Fish Collagen, Magnesium,

It contained hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and crystalline cellulose.



-Helps strengthen joints and cartilage

– Can prevent degenerative arthritis.

-Helps relieve pain and relax muscles

-Helps immunity and fatigue.

– It always has chemotherapy and anti-cancer effects.

-Improve blood circulation and prevent obesity

– Arthritis is improved.

How to take

I had to take it twice a day, morning and evening.

Every time I eat, I was told to take 1 packet of essence and 1 pill (2 pills), preferably with water.

A tip for first-time users is to mix a 60ml pack with 60ml of water for the first 3 days.

And he told me to drink a lot of water.

side effect

There was a request from the seller to prepare for possible side effects (myunghyun phenomenon).

Each person is different, but the painful joint may be more painful,

Diarrhea, abdominal pain, or allergies may occur, but he said that it will be fine after a while.



I ate it for 3 days, breakfast and dinner until today.

Joint Bogung’s “Bo” was almost the same as Chinese medicine, and it had a slight sweetness, so it was not uncomfortable,

“Goong” is a pill, so I drank it with water without feeling much.

I took it for 3 days, but no side effects or allergies occurred.

My body felt light, so I wasn’t tired either during or after exercise (walking).

You still have to eat more to see the effect, and usually take 2-3 months in a row to see the effect.

These are the words you can see.