고졸 후학습자 장학금 2023 1st semester post-high school student scholarship (Hope Ladder Ⅱ type) [New] Application | Busan Digital University

고졸 후학습자 장학금The Ministry of Education and the Korea Scholarship Foundation are conducting the ‘Scholarship for Learners After High School Graduates (Hope Ladder II Type)’ project to promote ‘employment first and learning later’.

“New” applications are for students who have not received the Post-High School Learner Scholarship.
(Students who received the scholarship for students after graduating from high school last semester are not eligible to apply because they are eligible for a “continuing” scholarship. Those who lost their continuous scholarship status in the previous semester can apply anew.)

Application for “new” scholarship for students after high school graduation: Korea Scholarship Foundation website (www.kosaf.go.kr)

Application period (direct student application): 2023. 3. 6 (Mon) ~ 3. 31. (Fri) until 18:00

※ For detailed information on how to apply for the scholarship for post-high school graduates (Hope Ladder Type 2), please refer to the attached file.

※ If you have any questions, please check the attached FAQ.

1. Eligibility: University students who meet all of the following conditions
go. A person with Korean nationality who graduated from high school
※ If you have received an associate’s degree and are taking an advanced major course or transferring to a 4-year university, you can apply if you meet the grade and employment requirements.
me. Those whose grades in the previous semester are above the 70th percentile (excluding new, transfer, and readmitted students)
all. A person who has been employed in an industry for more than 2 years as of the screening start date of the selection semester (however, more than 1 year for small and medium-sized companies) and is currently employed at a company recognized by the foundation.

※Requirements for Associate Degree: Those who meet all three conditions below:
– Those who have been employed in the industry for more than 2 years as of the screening start date of the selection semester
– Those who have worked for more than 2 years before obtaining an associate’s degree
– A person currently working at a company recognized by the foundation

For scholarships for post-high school graduates, not everyone is selected if they meet the eligibility requirements after applying, but students are selected in order of highest total score by assigning differential points based on age, institution of employment, high school from which they graduated, and length of employment at the company within the scope of the project budget.

Item (score)
Detailed score distribution
(30 points)
▸Youth: 30 points (under 34 years old)
▸Non-young people: 20 points (age 35), 19 points (age 36)… 1 point (age 54 or older)
Institution of employment
(40 points)
▸Small and medium-sized companies: 40 points
▸Non-profit organizations: 20 points, ▸Large corporations: 10 points
High school attended
(25 points)
▸Vocational high school: 25 points, ▸Completion of consignment training course: 20 points
▸General high school, etc.: 15 points, ▸Bachelor of Arts (with an associate’s degree): 10 points
Company tenure
(5 points)
6 years or more: 5 points, 5 years or more: 4 points, 4 years or more: 3 points,
More than 3 years: 2 points, 2 years or more: 1 point, Less than 2 years: 0 points

2. Support details: Tuition support for regular semesters and extra semesters, differential support depending on the type and size of the current company

Company type
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Large corporations, non-profit corporations (including non-businesses)
Support amount
Full tuition
50% of tuition

★3. Student Obligations★
go. Support is provided only to enrolled students who maintain academic records (completion of the benefit semester is required), and scholarship status is lost in the event of academic changes such as long-term leave*, expulsion, or withdrawal.
* Leave of absence is recognized for up to 3 years (6 semesters) regardless of the type. If it exceeds 3 years, qualification is lost.
me. Compulsory employment: Scholarship students must maintain employment for a certain period of time after receiving the scholarship. If this is not done, the scholarship will be returned and refund procedures will be taken. * Mandatory employment period: Recipient semester x 4 months
all. If the student does not fulfill his or her obligations, the full amount of scholarship money the student received must be returned.

4. Company recognized for employment

go. Small and medium-sized businesses: Companies that fall under Article 2 of the Framework Act on Small and Medium Enterprises and Article 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.
– Institutions that fall under “companies excluded from employment recognition” as determined by the foundation will not be recognized as employed regardless of whether or not they submit a small business confirmation certificate.
me. Mid-sized companies: Companies falling under Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the 「Mid-sized Enterprises Act」 with sales of less than KRW 500 billion
all. Large corporations: Companies classified as large corporations by corporate credit bureaus
– Based on the latest inquiry data at the time of review

la. Nonprofit organization: A company whose individual/corporation classification code in the business registration number corresponds to non-business (80) or non-profit corporation (82)
– Even if the corporate classification code is a non-profit corporation, employment is not recognized if it falls under “Company excluded from employment recognition”

☎ Korea Scholarship Foundation Post-High School Learners Call Center: 1599-2290

Busan Digital University, 57 Jurye-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan 47011 | Representative Choi Won-ilTEL. (051) 320-2000 FAX. (051) 320-2759 Registration number 606-82-06341 Mail order report number 2014-Busan Sasang-gu-0242
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