경기도 생활장학금 Application accepted for ‘Gyeonggi-do Youth Living Scholarship’… Up to 1 million won per year paid

경기도 생활장학금Gyeonggi-do announced on the 18th that it will be recruiting applicants for the ‘Gyeonggi-do Youth Living Scholarship’, which provides scholarships to middle and high school students and out-of-school youth in the province who are in financial difficulty, from the 20th to the 5th of next month.

The Gyeonggi-do Youth Living Scholarship is a project that selects and supports 9,614 youth who are beneficiaries of the National Basic Livelihood Security, the legally second-highest class, and those with incomes below 100% of the median income, using the Ministry of Strategy and Finance’s lottery fund.

Annually, 700,000 won is paid to middle school students (out-of-school youth born between 2009 and 2011) and 1 million won to high school students (out-of-school youth born between 2006 and 2008) in two installments in April and September.

Applications can be submitted online through the Gyeonggi Civil Service 24 website. If online application is difficult, you can apply by visiting the Administrative Welfare Center at your address.

For further details, please contact the city/county youth department or the administrative welfare center of the town/myeon/dong or refer to the notice on the Gyeonggi-do/city/county website.

Ko Young-mi, head of the Provincial Youth Department, said, “The province has been providing a practical environment for economically disadvantaged youth to continue their studies and promoting stability in their lives by providing living scholarships every year since 2004.” “We will continue to strive for this,” he said.

[Gyeonggi Newspaper = Reporter Geun Lee]
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Corporate name: Gyeonggi Newspaper Co., Ltd. | Title: Gyeonggi Newspaper | Registration number: Gyeonggi-ga 00006 | Registration date: 2002-04-06 | Publication date: 2002-04-06 | Publisher/Editor: Daehoon Kim | ISSN 2635-9790
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UPDATE: March 20, 2024 07:28

경기도 생활장학금
