건강보험료 환급 신청방법(본인부담금 환급) How to apply for health insurance premium refund (refund of out-of-pocket expenses)

Medical Expense Reimbursement is a system in which you are reimbursed for amounts exceeding your out-of-pocket limit when spending medical expenses. It will now begin on August 23, 2023, and an average refund of approximately 1.32 million won will be given per individual. Many people have accumulated funds that they haven’t received yet, so we recommend reading this article today to check and apply before the deadline approaches.

건강보험료 환급

건강보험료 환급

Health insurance premium medical expense refund inquiry
Health insurance premium medical expense refund inquiry


What is health insurance premium refund?

Health insurance premium refund represents the amount incurred due to errors in payment, duplicate payment, eligibility adjustment, etc. among the normally paid premiums. The National Health Insurance Corporation collects these refunds through careful procedures and then refunds them to policyholders and companies.


If you pay excessive premiums or medical expenses exceed the specified limit, you may incur a National Health Insurance refund. In this case, the person concerned can receive the amount back by applying.



What is medical expense reimbursement?

Medical expense reimbursement is a system that returns the excess amount when a patient spends medical expenses that exceed the medical expense limit set by the government.


You can get your medical expenses refunded through the out-of-pocket cap imposed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. If you apply for medical expense reimbursement, you can receive benefits worth approximately 1.32 million won per individual.

You will be able to view and apply for a refund starting August 23rd, so don’t miss this opportunity to apply. The application process is also simple, and detailed instructions are provided below.



Refund link
Refund link


A cap on out-of-pocket medical expenses?


The out-of-pocket medical expense cap system is a system that refunds amounts exceeding the medical expense ceiling set by the government. This is a system that allows individuals to receive a refund of the excess amount if any portion of the medical expenses borne by them exceeds the ‘cap’ set by the government.


This system was introduced in 2004 and plays an important role in reducing the burden of medical expenses. Many people are benefiting from this.



How to view and apply for medical expense reimbursement

Refund inquiries and applications can be easily processed online. Follow the steps below to conveniently check and apply for a refund.


1. Access the National Health Insurance website: Access the National Health Insurance website.

2. Login: Click the “Login” button at the top of the site to go to the login page.


Refund inquiry
Refund inquiry

3. Joint certificate or simple authentication login: On the login page, select “Joint certificate login” to log in using the joint certificate. If a joint certificate is not registered, you must “Register a joint certificate.”


public certification
Public certification registration

4. Go to refund inquiry/application page: After logging in, go to the “Personal menu customized for each visitor” area on the main page. There, click on the “Refund Inquiry/Application” menu.


Refund inquiry
Refund inquiry

5. Check refund details: On the inquiry page, you can check the type, name, billing period, amount, etc. of the unpaid refund. Take a closer look at your refund details.


6. Apply for refund: After checking the details, click the “Apply” button for the desired refund. Please enter and confirm the information required for the application process.


7. Application completion: Once you complete the application, your application for the refund will be completed. Please double-check the information you submitted to ensure your application is accurate.


8. Submission of required documents: If additional documents are required during the application process, follow the instructions and submit the required documents.


9. Confirmation of deposit: If the requested refund is approved, the amount will be deposited into the insurer’s deposit account.


You can complete your refund inquiry and application with this simple process.


Precautions when applying for medical expense reimbursement

Before applying for a refund, you must be aware of some precautions and follow the correct procedures to apply. Please carefully check the precautions below and then apply for a refund.


Check the application period: Refund applications can only be made within the specified period. Be sure to check the application period through the National Health Insurance website or notices, and apply by the deadline. If you miss the deadline, you may not be able to claim a refund.


Check required information and documents: Check in advance the information and documents required when applying for a refund. You must accurately enter the information required for application, including resident registration number, insurance subscription information, and bank account. Also, please carefully check and prepare any additional documents you need to submit.


Prepare a joint certificate: A joint certificate is required to apply for a refund. If the joint certificate is not registered, register it in advance and finalize the environment settings. The application process cannot proceed without a joint certificate.


Check information accuracy: When applying for a refund, be sure to check that the information you entered is accurate. Your refund application may be rejected due to incorrect information entered. In particular, financial information such as bank account number must be entered accurately.


Beware of duplicate applications: Problems may arise if you apply in duplicate with information you have already applied for. Once you have completed your refund application, no additional application is required, so be sure to check for duplicates.


Customer Center Inquiry: If you have any questions or difficulties during the refund application process, please contact the National Health Insurance Customer Center (1577-1000). Please solve the problem in advance before applying.