갱년기 유산균 yt1 추천 및 효능,부작용 Menopausal lactobacillus yt1 recommendation and efficacy, side effects

Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 product recommendation
갱년기 유산균 yt1 추천

Menopause is a particularly difficult time for women. In times like this, you need to take care of your body and mind more.

When you think of lactic acid bacteria, you might think of intestinal health, but I discovered that lactic acid bacteria are also related to menopausal health.

갱년기 유산균 yt1 추천

– menopause, estrogen

Menopause is when a woman over the age of 40 has not had menstruation for more than 12 months.

Menopause is the period in life when ovarian function declines from maturity to old age.

Estrogen, a female hormone, gradually decreases.

So, your face gets red, you sweat a lot, your chest thumps, you can’t sleep well at night, you have a headache, and you also have mental depression, and these symptoms can be called menopausal symptoms.

Estrogen plays a role in breaking down cholesterol and getting rid of it.

However, after menopause, estrogen rapidly declines, resulting in an increase in cholesterol, making the body prone to increasing fat in the body.

Also, since you become a body that is easy to gain fat, you will also increase your belly fat.

In fact, the body fat percentage of postmenopausal women was 33.9%, higher than that of premenopausal women (32.5%), and the average waist circumference, which evaluates abdominal obesity, was 81.0cm in postmenopausal women and 78.8cm in premenopausal women.

Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 Efficacy

The official name of menopausal lactobacillus YT1 is Lactobacillus acidophilus YT1, which helps to express female hormone receptors and activate female hormones in the body to help menopausal symptoms and intestinal health due to hormone decline.

– First discovery in Korea

It is the only material that helps menopausal women’s health and intestinal health at the same time. It is the world’s first lactic acid bacteria discovered in Korea. A domestic research team discovered it while researching osteoporosis in rats.

Among the mice tested, it was found that the more mice possessed the menopausal lactobacillus YT1, the less menopausal symptoms such as osteoporosis and depression were improved.

Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 does not artificially introduce hormones from the outside, but increases the expression of estrogen receptors in the female body to activate estrogen.


– Relief of menopausal symptoms

It can be said that the role of menopausal lactobacillus YT1 is to act as a helper for menopausal symptoms.

In fact, as a result of administering Lactobacillus acidophilus YT1, which is called menopausal lactobacillus, to rats that induced menopause for 12 weeks, it did not affect estrogen receptor alpha, but increased the amount of estrogen receptor beta, and it was found to have a positive effect on menopausal symptoms. Turns out.

If there are 100 women, there are so many menopausal symptoms that there are hundreds of them.

In fact, as a result of taking menopausal probiotics for menopausal women, it was confirmed that more than 11 symptoms, such as hot flashes, headaches, and insomnia, were improved.

It was also confirmed that the Mancol index, which represents an indicator of the physical and mental life of menopausal women, also improved.

– Reduce body fat

Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 helps with weight change to the extent that there are studies showing that it reduces body fat that increased during menopause.

In fact, when the menopausal induced rats were fed menopausal lactobacillus yt1 for 12 weeks, it was confirmed that they lost weight.

Menopausal lactobacillus YT1 reduced body fat by suppressing obesity-inducing bacteria and increasing beneficial bacteria.

– Vascular health

Through menopausal lactobacillus YT1, it activates female hormones and at the same time helps control cholesterol levels.

In fact, when YT1 was administered to rats whose ovaries were removed to induce menopause, it was confirmed that the bad LDL cholesterol decreased and the good HDL cholesterol increased.

– Osteoporosis relief

There is also a study that the menopausal lactobacillus YT1 helps prevent and alleviate osteoporosis.

In fact, after 8 weeks of administration to rats with ovarian excision and induced menopause, it was found that bone density increased and pain was alleviated compared to the control group.

– Immunity, intestinal health

Menopausal lactobacillus YT1 helps to increase beneficial bacteria in the intestines and promote bowel movements.

70% of the body’s immune cells are distributed in the intestine, making the intestine the best immune organ in the body.

If the intestines are not good, good estrogen is not absorbed, so you need to have good health.

– Precautions Side effects

Excessive intake can cause side effects such as diarrhea and abdominal pain, so it is recommended to keep 100 to 450 mg of 100 million CFU (Guaranteed Bacteria) per day.

If you have a specific disease or are taking immunosuppressants, it is recommended to consume it after consulting with a specialist, and it is recommended to be careful about intake if you have an allergy or idiosyncratic constitution.

When taking antibiotics, it is recommended to take them after 5 hours.

It is helpful to take menopausal lactobacillus together with “selenium”, an antioxidant that prevents oxidation (aging), “vitamin D” that strengthens bones, and “vitamin group B” related to energy production. You can receive it.