개인회생 신청자격 및 방법, 비용, 절차 총정리 Personal Loan Application Qualifications, Methods, Costs, and Procedures

Personal rehabilitation application qualification attached document 1
Under the law, if you apply for personal rehabilitation procedures, you will not be subject to any special disadvantages, unlike bankruptcy. Rather, if the repayment contract is approved, the fact will be notified to the Federation of Banks, the debtor’s delinquent registration will be canceled, and collection from creditors may not be accepted.

개인회생 신청자격

개인회생 신청자격

The attached documents that must be submitted to confirm eligibility for personal rehabilitation are as follows:

Application: A document expressing the intention to apply for personal rehabilitation procedures, and must include personal information and information about the debt situation.

Subrogation contract: A repayment contract is a contract that allows debt repayment through personal rehabilitation procedures, and must include details agreed upon between the debtor and the creditor.
Process documents: Additional documents required for personal rehabilitation procedures, including proof of income, expenses, debt, etc.
Proof of income is required if you are a wage earner, such as a monthly salary stub, and if you are a business owner, you will need a business registration card and proof of business visit.


Learn about the conditions for applying for personal bankruptcy


If income is generated from a gift of real estate or inheritance, the relevant supporting documents must be attached. Additionally, as proof of expenditure, you must submit water or electricity bills, residential lease agreements, etc. that can prove housing expenses, living expenses, fixed expenses, etc.

By submitting the above attached documents, the applicant can proceed with the personal rehabilitation process, and if the repayment contract is approved, the registration of delinquent debt will be canceled and the debtor will not be able to collect from creditors.



Personal rehabilitation application qualification attached documents
The attached documents for personal rehabilitation application are a system to support the debtor’s daily life. In order to apply for personal rehabilitation procedures, you must meet the following conditions: You must be a personal borrower who has experienced financial hardship and faced bankruptcy, and must expect to continue to experience such hardship.

Additionally, you must prepare the necessary attached documents to apply for personal rehabilitation. The following documents must be included in the attached documents to apply for personal rehabilitation:

Income Verification: Income Verification is required to confirm the income status of the individual debtor. If you are a wage earner, your income verification certificate must include an earned income withholding tax receipt, etc. If you are a business owner, it must include your business registration certificate and business report.

Debt Statement: A debt statement is a document that details the debt status of an individual debtor. The debt statement must include the amount of the debt, relationship with the debtor, and repayment plan.
Property List: A property list is a document that details the property owned by an individual debtor.

You must include information about your assets, such as real estate, vehicles, and savings.
Other required documents: Additional documents may be required depending on the application process. You must contact the relevant institution or person in charge to confirm and submit the correct documents.

If you meet the above requirements and submit the necessary attached documents, you can apply for personal rehabilitation. Now, let’s take a closer look at the personal rehabilitation process.
Submission of personal rehabilitation application and attached documents: To apply for personal rehabilitation, you must first prepare the personal rehabilitation application and necessary attached documents and submit them to the relevant institution.

Application submission and review: When you submit a personal rehabilitation application and attached documents, the relevant organization will receive and review the application. Check that the application and attached documents are correct and that all required information is provided.
Personal rehabilitation review and decision: Once the application and attached documents are reviewed, the relevant organization will proceed with a personal rehabilitation review.

Through a personal rehabilitation review, the individual debtor’s current situation and degree of financial difficulty are determined. Afterwards, a decision will be made on the personal rehabilitation application.
Establishment of a personal rehabilitation plan: If personal rehabilitation is approved, the relevant institution establishes a repayment plan with the individual debtor.

The personal rehabilitation plan aims to adjust the repayment period and amount by considering the current situation and financial possibilities of the individual debtor.
Personal rehabilitation settlement and repayment: After a personal rehabilitation plan is established, the individual debtor proceeds to repay the relevant institution. Personal rehabilitation settlement is the stage where repayments made during the personal rehabilitation period are confirmed and subsequent actions are decided.

We briefly explained the documents attached to apply for personal rehabilitation and the personal rehabilitation procedures. Now, if you know in advance the documents you need to prepare and the application process when applying for personal rehabilitation, you will be able to apply without stress. Personal rehabilitation is a system that can be of great help to those who are experiencing financial difficulties, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the relevant information and apply.

Go to apply for personal bankruptcy


Main information regarding the attached documents for personal rehabilitation application qualifications
When applying for initiation of personal rehabilitation procedures, one copy of the application form and a copy of the list of personal rehabilitation creditors equal to the number of personal rehabilitation creditors plus two must be submitted.
Among the documents to be attached to the application for initiation of personal rehabilitation procedures, you must also submit the personal rehabilitation application qualification documents prepared by government offices.
In this blog post, we will inform you of the main information about the documents attached to apply for personal rehabilitation.


When proceeding with the personal rehabilitation application process, you must submit a copy of the application and a copy of the list of personal rehabilitation creditors equal to the number of personal rehabilitation creditors plus 2. In addition, among the documents to be attached to the application for initiation of personal rehabilitation procedures, the personal rehabilitation application qualification documents prepared by government offices must be submitted. These attached documents play an important role in ensuring the smooth progress of the personal rehabilitation process and in determining the applicant’s eligibility.

When filling out the attached documents for personal rehabilitation application, you must provide clear and accurate information. All documents must be official documents issued or written by the relevant organizations, and manipulation or falsification of the contents is strictly prohibited. Additionally, there are some things to keep in mind when filling out documents.




Personal rehabilitation application qualification attached documents

The copy of the application must contain the same content as the original, and in the case of a list of personal rehabilitation creditors, a list equal to the number of known creditors plus 2 must be attached. In addition, the attached documents for personal rehabilitation application prepared by government offices must be prepared through an envelope or certificate from the relevant organization. By submitting the attached documents in this way, you can proceed smoothly with the personal rehabilitation application process.

The attached documents are essential for the personal rehabilitation process, and if they are insufficient, the application may be rejected. Therefore, people seeking personal rehabilitation should be careful when filling out and submitting the attached documents. The user requested information on the documents that must be attached when applying for personal rehabilitation.

The attached documents for personal rehabilitation application must be issued within 2 months from the date of application. In this case, unless there are special circumstances, two months must elapse from the date of issuance. In addition, the following information must be entered in the application for initiation of personal rehabilitation procedures.

1. Applicant’s name, resident registration number, and address 2. Information on the applicant’s occupation, contact information, and family members living with him/her 3. Details such as the purpose and reason for personal rehabilitation application, debt repayment plan, etc. 4. List of assets owned by the applicant and provisional seizure or collection Information related to orders, etc. 5. Information on the debt situation and the resulting interest, principal, collection orders, etc. 6. Other documents and information required for screening. You must fill out the application form by filling out the above information. This will help the application process go smoothly. For detailed information regarding personal rehabilitation, please refer to the table below.


Category Content
Check the application eligibility chart
List of required documents for document preparation
Application Process Guide
Screening process Description of screening steps
Appeals and Changes Appeals and Changes Procedure

Please refer to the table above for detailed information regarding personal rehabilitation application. For a smooth application, please prepare the necessary documents and pay attention to the instructions while filling out the application. You can always check our blog for more information. thank you


Personal rehabilitation application qualification attached document 2
Decision to initiate personal rehabilitation procedures

The court will decide to initiate personal rehabilitation procedures unless there are grounds for dismissal as listed below. Along with the decision to commence, a period for creditors’ objections and a date for a creditors’ meeting are set. In principle, a decision is made within 1 month after application, but the documents attached are required to apply for personal rehabilitation.

When applying for personal rehabilitation, several attached documents are required to receive a decision to initiate personal rehabilitation procedures.

These are requirements set by the court, and all must be met to receive a discovery decision.

Main attached documents

Applicant’s business registration certificate (in case of individual business)
Applicant’s resident registration copy
Applicant’s income certificate and withholding tax receipt
Documents related to the applicant’s debt (credit card statements, account transaction history, etc.)
Documents related to the applicant’s property (copy of real estate register, car registration certificate, etc.)
In addition to the main attachments above, you may need to prepare additional documents as needed. This may vary depending on the circumstances of the personal rehabilitation applicant, and it is recommended that you contact the court to check the necessary documents.

In order to receive a decision to initiate personal rehabilitation procedures, the attached documents must be submitted solidly and accurately. Each document must be completed in accordance with the requirements, and original or notarized copies must be submitted if necessary.

Therefore, those who wish to apply for personal rehabilitation must accurately prepare the attached documents for personal rehabilitation application, inquire with the court as necessary, and submit them.


Personal rehabilitation application qualification attached documents

This is an essential procedure to receive a decision on commencement, and the prepared documents play a large role in the decision to commence, so they must be prepared carefully.

The court proceeds with personal rehabilitation according to certain procedures. You must submit attached documents to confirm your eligibility for personal rehabilitation.

Generally, income certificates, debt certificates, and delinquent asset status statements are required. Submitting these documents may actually take at least three months or more. During the personal rehabilitation process, the court issues an injunction to prohibit solicitation of the debtor.

As a result, creditors cannot forcefully execute the debtor’s salary, severance pay, tangible movables, and business property. In addition, compulsory execution, provisional seizure, and injunction that are already in progress will be suspended once an application for personal rehabilitation is received. summary:

In order to proceed with personal rehabilitation, the court follows certain procedures.

You must submit the attached documents to apply for personal rehabilitation, which may take more than three months.
The court issues an injunction to prevent the debtor from soliciting.
Once an application for personal rehabilitation is received, compulsory execution, provisional seizure, and injunctions already in progress will be suspended.