간헐적 단식 16:8 방법 Intermittent fasting…You have to follow the 16:8 rule. You don’t lose weight by starving yourself

Intermittent fasting has emerged as a representative method of healthy diet, and interest in intermittent fasting is increasing. In particular, it is popular because there is no great difficulty in performing it because it is given a proper meal time after an empty stomach for a certain period of time. 간헐적 단식 16:8 방법

Intermittent fasting is generally a diet method in which an empty stomach is maintained for at least 12 hours a day and then a meal is eaten for the remaining time. Through this, the practitioner can lose weight while maintaining the ideal metabolic function.

However, intermittent fasting in error can cause yo-yo jasminevista.com phenomenon, in which weight can explode after dieting. A netizen who tried intermittent fasting said, “The amount of meals and diet were misorganized, which led to a decrease in basic metabolism and yo-yo effect.”

Do I have to do intermittent fasting in the morning?
“Decision-making.” YouTube capture
“Decision-making.” YouTube capture 간헐적 단식 16:8 방법

It doesn’t matter when the intermittent fasting is performed. The practitioner can adjust it to suit his or her sleep pattern.

What matters is the ratio of fasting time to meal time. In general, intermittent fasting is based on maintaining an fasting time of 16 hours and having an eating time of 8 hours. If the performer finds it difficult to perform intermittent fasting on a 16:8 basis, an empty stomach time of 12 hours and a meal time of 12 hours may be used. However, an empty stomach time of at least 12 hours must be maintained so that the performer can achieve the effect of intermittent fasting.

Increasing fasting time rather negatively affects the body. As the fasting time increases, the body uses muscles as an energy source, causing muscle loss and nutritional deficiencies due to the inability to consume essential nutrients for a long time.

Lee Jin-bok (family medicine specialist) of Nauri Family Medicine Clinic in Bundang appeared on CBS No Cut Biz’s “Decision-making” YouTube and said, “If the hunger time increases, muscle loss will occur and the practitioner will feel pain,” adding, “Diet clinics do not recommend intermittent fasting over 16:8.”

Intermittent fasting, is this okay?
“Decision-making.” YouTube capture
“Decision-making.” YouTube capture

A one-meal diet a day, which only eats one meal a day, is not healthy. This is because the practitioner cannot fill all the essential nutrients the body needs by eating one meal a day.

In addition, it is recommended that both exercise and intermittent fasting be carried out at the same time. “I highly recommend (exercise and intermittent fasting) at the same time. The effect of losing weight is much greater, and no muscle loss occurs,” Lee said. However, he added that intermittent fasting alone does not require the practitioner to exercise too much when he or she feels tired.

Complete fasting, in which no food is consumed for a while, has a negative effect on the body. If you perform complete fasting, the desired weight loss fails and only the muscle mass decreases.

The body perceives it as a physical ‘crisis situation’ if it does not consume food or obtain nutrients from the outside. As a result, the body accumulates fat to be used in an emergency and consumes fat that can be used relatively quickly. Therefore, when performing full fasting, muscle loss and malnutrition occur, and weight loss is not lost.

In the case of intermittent fasting, there is an eight-hour mealtime, so the body does not perceive fasting as a crisis situation. Director Lee said, “The eight-hour mealtime prevents the body from recognizing it as a dangerous situation, and after the mealtime, the body conducts self-photographing,” adding, “When self-photographing occurs, young cells use old cells as energy sources to purify the body.”

Intermittent fasting…Who do you recommend it to?
“Decision-making.” YouTube capture
“Decision-making.” YouTube capture

Intermittent fasting is a good method for patients with metabolic disorders such as blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, and pain. When a patient with a metabolic disorder performs intermittent fasting, the damaged metabolic function returns to normal. In fact, there are cases in which a patient with an initial metabolic disorder returned to a normal state after performing intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is not good for diabetics and those who cannot control their appetite. This is because diabetic patients may fall into hypoglycemia and intermittent fasting can cause binge eating if the practitioner cannot control their appetite.

Director Lee said, “In the case of binge eating, it is rather a situation where you can’t even do intermittent fasting,” adding, “It is important to maintain a healthy diet.”