토스 유스카드 How to deposit cash into Toss card. Toss card.

토스 유스카드


To start with the conclusion, Toss Youth Card, a prepaid card for teenagers, cannot be deposited through other ATMs.It’s a bit of a hassle, but you have to use the method of depositing the money on the Toss card of another adult family and then receiving the money through the Toss app.

Therefore, below we will learn how to transfer cash from other ATM machines to a toss card using an adult toss card with a normal check card.

The strong advantage of Toss is that even if the fee is displayed on the ATM machine, all the fees exempted will be deposited at the time of deposit to the Toss account due to the principle of free toss of all fees.As soon as you press to deposit cash to Toss Bank from another ATM device, you will receive the following text message on your mobile phone.The meaning of the text can be interpreted as “Toss will bear all the fees.”



Below, I would like to take a Toss card issued by Toss Bank and write down the process of working on the ATM machine at the nearby bank.ATM devices in general convenience stores may also look a little expensive, but Toss will also pay all fees on the screen, as in the case of depositing money from bank ATM devices, into the Toss card account.

You can work in the following order, and this is the case for cash transfers from other ATM machines using other bank cards.


1. Insert your to card into the ATM machine and press the Deposit/Bank Account Deposit button.



2. Press the cash deposit button on the other bank card.



3. Write down your mobile phone number for cash deposit.



4. Check if the contents of the account you want to deposit in cash are correct.

The fee is displayed at this time, but the amount of this fee is not actually applied because Toss will compensate for the actual deposit.


5. Put the cash you want to deposit into the ATM machine.After that, make sure that the amount you put in to deposit on the screen matches the content shown on the screen, press OK, and remove the card after the process ends, and the whole process will be over.

You don’t have to worry about the fees that appear on ATM devices because all the fees that appear in the entire process of deposit will be restored as they are during the actual Toss deposit process.


So far, we have looked into how to deposit cash into the Toscard.

The same applies to all other debit cards, so you can go to any ATM machine and deposit cash.However, if it’s not a toss card, most of the fees will actually be charged.토스 유스카드