컴퓨터 메모리 부족해결 Insufficient computer memory. How to fix it for sure

컴퓨터 메모리 부족해결2020. 1. 1. 13:17

A low computer memory warning window is an unwelcome message.
Memory is also called RAM, and the larger the capacity, the easier it is to process a lot of data.
Insufficient computer memory causes so-called stuttering, slow execution speed, and program downtime due to lack of memory, so it must be resolved.
The only way to completely solve the lack of computer memory is to manage the program well or expand the memory capacity.
There are other ways to change the virtual memory settings in Windows, but it is difficult to achieve satisfactory results.

First, you can check the task manager to see how low your memory is. The task manager can be launched by right-clicking on the taskbar under Windows and then clicking Task Manager or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

If you click on Memory in Task Manager processes, you can sort by memory consuming. It’s a good idea to first check what programs are taking up a lot of memory here, whether there are any software that uses memory unnecessarily, and whether there are malicious codes that are taking up a lot of memory.

If you look at Task Manager -> Startup Programs, there are listed programs that run automatically when Windows boots. Usually, there are many vaccines and updates.
Right-click on the list of unnecessary programs and click Disable. Then, the program does not run when Windows starts.

Next, click Performance in Task Manager and select Memory. Here you can see how much memory is currently being used and how much memory is available.
If the usable memory is too small when running a program that is not a malicious code problem, it is better to purchase additional memory.

Most motherboards support dual channel. In other words, splitting the memory into two shows faster performance.
For example, it is better to install two 8GB memory rather than one 16GB memory. And even with the same DDR4 memory, there is a difference in operating speed.
Also, for example, if a memory operated at 2600 MHz and a memory operated at 2000 Mhz are mixed, the 2600 MHz memory also operates according to 2000 Mhz. To create an optimal environment, it is good to unify the dual and operation speed.

Yes, you need to upgrade to completely solve your computer memory shortage. That means you have to spend money.
After first checking to see if any malicious code or unnecessary programs are running, if you are experiencing memory shortages due to hardware problems, it’s time to upgrade or buy a new computer.

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