카카오뱅크 공동인증서 발급 Get a copy of your resident registration by issuing a private certificate from Kakao.

카카오뱅크 공동인증서 발급


What is a private카카오뱅크 공동인증서 발급 certificate?And where is this certificate used?Let’s find out how to issue a Kakao certificate, one of the private certificates, and look at how to use it.
Now easily authenticate (Source: Sindoriko Blog)

1. What is a certificate?

A. What is a certificate?

This is an ID card to reveal who is applying.

When working face-to-face with financial institutions or government agencies, they ask you to show your resident registration card, driver’s license, and passport as a means of identifying yourself.

But on the Internet, where you can’t see each other’s faces,use of a certificate as a means of identificationI am doing.
You can view the certificate as a kind of cyber ID.

인증서는 사이버 신분증입니다. 지문, 얼굴, 비밀번호로도 본인 인증합니다.
The certificate is a cyber ID card.You can also authenticate yourself with your fingerprint, face, and password.(Photo Source: Hana Bank)
B. Types of Certificates
(1) From December 10, 2020, the public certificate has been abolished.
Financial transactions require joint certificates or financial certificates.

a. Joint Certificate (Former Public Certificate)
b. Financial certificates
c. Bank’s own certificate
d. Private Certificate

certificate type issuing authority Characteristics
Joint Certificate (formerly Public Certificate) six accredited certification bodies – Store on user equipment
– Validity period is 1 year (manual renewal)
-10-digit password
financial certificate Financial Telecommunications and Clearings Agency – Store on cloud server
– Validity period is 3 years (automatic renewal)
-6-digit password
bank’s own certificate KB Mobile Certificate KB Kookmin Bank through each bank (mobile banking) app
availability of services by financial group
Shinhan Bank Co., Ltd. sol authentication
Hana One Q Mobile Authentication Hana Bank Co., Ltd.
private certificate cacao certificate cacao You can get a certificate through each service app.
Available in platform-linked services
Naver Certificate Naver
PASS certificate three mobile carriers
Payco certificate NHN Payco
Samsung PASS Samsung
toss certificate Viva Republica

(2) A certificate issued by a private organization is also recognized by a national organization.

The app or website called Government 24, which can issue various documents, also certifies KB Certificate, Payco, Bank Salad, Hana Certificate, Shinhan Certificate, Toss, Kakao Talk, Naver, carrier PASS, and Samsung PASS.
Also, the recently issued mobile driver’s license will be certified.

정부24에서 인증하는 민간 인증서 종류
Types of private certificates certified by the government 24 (PC screen accessed by the government 24).
2. How to authenticate with the certificate issuing authority
A. Common Methods
Private institutions that issue certificates (banks, KakaoTalk, Naver, Samsung, telecommunications companies, etc.) issue certificates after first or second authentication with their mobile phones, bankbook numbers, or card numbers under their names.

B. More detailed ways to do things in cyber banks
If you want to open an account at a cyber bank that issues a parking account that pays better interest than a bank just for one day, you need more detailed information than the usual method described above.

Install the app > Enter your name and resident registration number > Agree to terms and conditions > Enter the 6-digit authentication number received by text > Enter the password to be used > Connect to another account and use it

2. Issuing Kakao Certificate

카카오톡 인증서/인증받은 사람의 이름과 생년월일, 그리고 유효기간이 표시된 인증서입니다.
This is a certificate showing the name, date of birth, and expiration date of Kakao certificate/certified person.
A. Since April 15, 2020, we have provided Kakao Talk wallet electronic certificate service.

B. Available from 9.7.5 versions of KakaoTalk on Android and iOS.

C. It is available in more than 800 places, including the National Tax Service’s HomeTex, the government 24, the National Rights Commission’s “National Newspaper,” the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

D. Issuance Procedures

Kakao Talk app → View more → Select [Authentication] from the [Wallet] menu → Issue a certificate → agree to the terms and conditions → Confirm yourself with a mobile phone number.

카카오톡 인증서 발급 순서 1-3
Kakao Talk Certificate Issuance Procedure 1-3
카카오톡 인증서 발급 순서 2-3
Kakao Talk Certificate Issuance Procedure 2-3 (Source: https://greenew.co.kr/kakaotalk-certificate/))

카카오톡 인증서 발급 순서 3-3
Kakao Talk Certificate Issuance Procedure 3-3 (Source: https://blog.naver.com/okok1326/222771865410))


You must enter your My password to take advantage of the issued certificate.
If you forgot, you can re-set it after 5 failed entries and after verifying your identity.

F. Using Kakao Certificate

(1) Issuing documents after authenticating KakaoTalk by the government 24.

Login Select Certificate/Digital One Pass/ID/Fingerprint Security/Non-member login and select Easy Authentication 선택> Kakao Talk③> Name/Birthdate/Mobile Number④>After authentication request⑤>Inform Kakao Talk, select authentication>Authentication with Kakao certificate.Select Confirmation>> Log in to government 24 and your name appears.⑩

From now on, you can do what you want.

정부24에서 카카오톡 인증서 활용하여 간편 인증하는 법 1-3
Government 24 Simple Authentication Using Kakao Talk Certificate 1-3
정부24에서 카카오톡 인증서 활용하여 간편 인증하는 법 2-3
Government 24 Simple Authentication Using Kakao Talk Certificate 2-3
정부24에서 카카오톡 인증서 활용하여 간편 인증하는 법 3-3
How to use KakaoTalk certificate in Government 24 to easily authenticate 3-3 (The rightmost screen is a PC screen.)

♠ You can sign up for government 24 and log in with your ID, but you will be asked to install the public certificate security program and install it automatically.

정부24에 아이디로 로그인할 때 보안 프로그램 설치 안내
Guidelines for installing security programs when logging in to Government 24 with an ID
(2) Use it as a means of self-certification when accessing major national organizations such as the National Tax Service, etc.

(3) You can issue an electronic certificate from your KakaoTalk wallet.

a. Types of electronic certificates that can be issued (as of October 2022)

– A copy of your resident registration
abstract of resident registration
– Certificate of COVID-19 Vaccination
– Certificate of Elementary, Secondary and High School Graduation
– Health Insurance Payment Certificate
– Certificate of Driving Experience
– Health Insurance Qualification Certificate

b. Application Procedures for Electronic Certificates

Run the kakaotalk app → View more (3 dots) → Wallet → Electronic certificate → Authenticate after agreeing to the terms of service to use the electronic certificate → My password → Authentication is completed.→Confirmation → What kind of electronic certificate do you need?→Select the necessary documents and apply → → apply for OO.→Select an address in your resident registration if necessary and select how to issue it (Basic issuance or selective issuance) → Enter My password → Authentication completed → Issuance of the application completed → Save or submit application → Save a copy of the certificate.The pop-up window says → Check → Set the browsing password and confirm → Download it (saved as a pdf file).그리고Also, if you want to save the instant delivery methods to ( (KakaoTalk, Message, Quick Share, Naver Mail, Gmail, Google Drive, etc.) → Google Drive 에, you need to enter your browsing password to view them.
You can change the title of the document.③

카톡 인증서로 전자 증명서 발행하는 순서 1-3
Procedures for issuing electronic certificates with kakaotalk certificates 1-3

카톡 인증서로 전자 증명서 발행하는 순서 2-3
Procedures for issuing electronic certificates with kakaotalk certificates 2-3
카톡 인증서로 전자 증명서 발행하는 순서 3-3
Procedures for issuing an electronic certificate with a kakaotalk certificate 3-3

If you select Submit, the option menu for Search Submission Agency/Scan QR Code/Enter Wallet Address is not displayed.

제출하기를 선택할 때 나오는 메뉴
menu that appears when you choose to submit

3. Issuing Naver Certificate (not recommended)
A. I tried to issue a Naver certificate, but the guide said, “Safely authenticate with device lock information such as fingerprints and passwords,” but I couldn’t get it because it was only done with fingerprints.

정부24에서 네이버 인증서를 선택한 경우 나오는 화면임. 지문으로만 인증 가능함.
This screen appears when government 24 selects Naver certificate.Unlike the instructions, it can only be authenticated with fingerprints.
B. I tried to change the lock method to a password, but I couldn’t find the screen to enter the password even though it was the same notice.

C. If your fingerprint is blurred and not recognized well, please obtain a Kakao Talk certificate.