최저가 주유소 찾는 법 Gas station price comparison, how to find the cheapest gas station

최저가 주유소 찾는 법Oil prices such as diesel and gasoline are burdensome.
I find a gas station that is cheaper even if it is 10 won, and put gas in it. It is also difficult to find a gas station with low gas prices.
Check the price of gas stations around the neighborhood, or check the price of gas stations along the way, and use the cheapest gas station. Today we will learn how to find cheap gas stations. Compare gas prices at gas stations.


Opinet is operated by Korea National Oil Corporation. This is a site that discloses oil price information since April 2008. Search for “Opinet” on the search site and connect. Or you can connect directly like below. https://www.opinet.co.kr/

Price information on Opinet is collected and reflected when credit card is used. It is reflected at 1:00, 2:00, 9:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 19:00, so you can quickly check the latest price. And in some cases, the gas station reports directly. In this case, it will be reflected immediately.

Find a cheap gas station

You can find cheap gas stations by searching by area and by route.

▼ Find cheap gas stations by area
1. On the Opinet site, click “Find cheap gas stations > By region” on the menu.
Find a cheap gas station

2. After selecting a gas station or charging station, enter information such as the region and click Search. Price information for premium gasoline, regular gasoline, diesel, indoor kerosene, etc. appears.

Find cheap gas stations by area

▼ Find cheap gas stations by route
Here’s how to find cheap gas stations along your route.
1. On the Opinet site, click “Find a cheap gas station > By route”.
Find a cheap gas station

2. After entering the departure address, destination address, and waypoint address, click Search. A list of cheap gas stations along the way appears. It is good to use it when traveling, business trip, etc.
Find cheap gas stations by route

Prices vary by gas station. Search for a cheap gas station on Opinet and fill in gas at a cheap gas station.

public officials.com


최저가 주유소 찾는 법
