주간보호센터 창업 Standards for starting and installing day care (day and night care)

주간보호센터 창업Day care center, commonly called Nochiwon. Let’s learn about facility installation standards and staffing standards when starting a night care center.

Day care refers to long-term care benefits that protect beneficiaries in long-term care facilities for a certain period of time during the day and provide physical activity support and education and training to maintain and improve mental and physical functions.

Standards for starting and establishing day care

It must be clearly stated in the building register as a facility for the elderly or the elderly, a single-family home, or an apartment complex.
However) For apartment complexes, the consent of unit owners must be obtained, and the consent ratio must follow what is stipulated in the management regulations. However, if not otherwise specified in the regulations, a resolution at a management meeting or the written consent of four-fifths of unit owners must be obtained. (Divisional owner refers to the actual owner on the register, not the tenant currently residing in the apartment complex)
In the case of a commercial building, the use listed in the building register must be a facility for the elderly and children.

1. Note. When providing a night care center and one or more other home benefits (visiting care, visiting nursing, visiting bathing, short-term care, (excluding welfare equipment)) at the same time, facilities other than living rooms and bedrooms must be used together to the extent that they do not interfere with business. This is possible. However) In this case, the total floor area of ​​the facility must be more than 90㎡, including the area of ​​the commonly used facility.

2 weeks. When a night care facility is operated in conjunction with a social welfare facility: Facilities other than living rooms and bedrooms may be used together as long as they do not interfere with business, but the total floor area of ​​the facility must be at least 90㎡, including the area of ​​commonly used facilities. (When day care is provided in a nursing home)

3. Note. In the case of a dementia care center in a facility providing night care, it must be equipped with at least one living room and a program room.

4. Note. The dementia care room within the night care facility must have a program room, and there must be a door at the entrance to separate the space, and it must be openable in the event of an emergency such as a fire. However, when a dementia care room is located within a day and night care facility, the number of people using each dementia care room must be 25 or less.

5. If the facility used by the resident, such as a bedroom, is on the second floor or higher [For the disabled. old man. A ramp in accordance with the detailed standards of the [Act on Guaranteeing the Promotion of Convenience for Pregnant Women, etc.] or a passenger elevator in accordance with the enforcement regulations of the [Elevator Facilities Safety Management Act] must be installed.

6. There must be a living room equipped with space and safety equipment where beneficiaries can move freely.

7. The slope of the stairs must be gentle, and in order to prevent users from falling, a door must be installed at the entrance of the stairs and a locking device must be installed on the door, so that it can be opened automatically in the event of an emergency such as a fire.

8. To prevent the disappearance of loitering users, a locking device must be installed on the external entrance, and it must be able to open automatically in the event of an emergency such as a fire.

9. Toilets should be installed separately for men and women, but there should be no height awning on the floor, and the floor surface should be finished with a material that does not slip even when wet.

10. Mobile service vehicles can be registered if they are in the name of the representative of the organization (corporation: corporate name) or in the name of the organization. If the vehicle is under another name, it is possible if the right to use (loan, lease, contract, etc.) is established with the representative of the organization, but it must be used for business purposes (taxi, bus) etc.) Registration of vehicles is not possible.

※ When establishing a day care center for the first time (if there are no seniors), the staffing standards are met if there is only one facility manager (social worker), nursing assistant, and care worker.

1. Facility manager
The qualifications for the head of a day care facility include a person who holds a social worker’s license under the [Social Welfare Services Act], a person who has acquired a medical practitioner’s license under Article 2 of the [Medical Service Act], or a person with at least 5 years of practical experience as a care worker, and required training determined and announced by the Minister of Health and Welfare. Those who have completed .
The head of the facility must be a full-time person.

2. Nursing care worker
Holder of a nursing care worker license according to the law.

3. Physical therapist or occupational therapist
Holder of a physical therapist or occupational therapist license under the [Act on Medical Technicians, etc.].

So far, we have learned about the facility installation standards, staffing standards, and facility director qualification standards when starting a day care, day/night care center.
There are two ways to start a day care center: establishing a new one or selling or acquiring an existing day care center.
The standards for installing long-term care facilities are changing in detail every year to prepare for risks such as fire, so it would be a good idea to refer to the public website of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Information > Research/Survey/Publication Materials > View full contents ” 2023 Senior Health and Welfare Project Guide ” | A lifelong friend that gives strength
Research/Survey/Publication Materials 2023 Elderly Health and Welfare Project Guide Registration date: 2023-03-27 Number of views: 216 Person in charge: Bae Won-jin Department in charge: Elderly Policy Division 2023 Elderly Health and Welfare Project Guide “2023 Elderly Health” created by the Ministry of Health and Welfare welfare worker

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