자대배치조회 및 신병부대배치조회(육군,해군,공군,해병대) Unit placement inquiry and new unit placement inquiry (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps)

This is a way to check new recruit unit placement and the soldier’s duty unit/unit.



▶ New recruit unit placement, army unit inquiry
You can search for new recruits using the method below.



Group placement inquiry
Army unit deployment inquiry
You can receive information on the results of your new unit classification via text message and the Internet. However, before that, I will introduce a way to check.

Group placement inquiry
Group placement inquiry
The education regiment placement will be sent to your parents’ number on the Wednesday following your enlistment date. However, you can search faster than that through the link below.

Group placement inquiry
For consultation inquiries: 042) 550-7303 ~ 7306, 7366
Consultation available on weekdays 9:00 – 16:00 / Wednesdays 9:00 – 14:30 (lunch time 12:00 – 13:00)
Find my child



Notes for Army unit deployment inquiry

The Army Training Center, Ground Operations Command, and 2nd Operations Command have different unit classification schedules depending on each service’s internal schedule.
The unit viewed here is not the final service unit, and will be reassigned after completing 6 weeks of training and military school training.
Please refer to the training center placement below for further education regiment placement.



Education regiment placement is on the Wednesday following the enlistment d


1. If you search for the Army on the portal, the Army homepage linked below will appear.


Welcome to the Republic of Korea Army.



When you access the main page of the Army website,

At the end of the frequently used menu is [Check new recruit unit placement].

When you click this button, a new recruit unit assignment inquiry screen will appear.


2. You can search by entering your name, date of birth, enlistment date, and enlistment unit.


Unit placement results are notified through the text message notification service and the above method.

For your reference, the timing for enlistment and information on the Ministry of Education is as follows.



Army unit deployment related

– Enlistment and training unit information period

Army Training Center: Recruit training completion ceremony (6th week of enlistment)


For inquiries regarding this matter, please call and contact hours are as follows.

Army Headquarters consultation phone number ☏042-550-7306

Weekdays 08:30 ~ 16:30 / Wednesdays 08:30 ~ 14:30 / Lunch time: 12:00 ~ 13:00