자격증 조회 Check the certification acquisition date, a simple way to check all of your certifications at once – Hot Information Damoa

자격증 조회■ A simple way to check all my certifications at once

How many certifications do you have?
There are many different types of certifications, including certifications that you must obtain to get a job and certifications that you acquire to show that you have studied and worked hard.
Since there are as many different organizations that issue and obtain various certifications, I often cannot remember when and which national technical certification I obtained. When writing a resume when applying for a job, you may need the date of national certification acquisition.
Today… I will tell you how you can view all of your certifications and certification acquisition dates at once.
In the past, you had to log in to the issuing agency one by one to search, but now you can search very easily with just the Naver app.

▶ How to check acquired qualifications

1. This is the Naver app. Naver is already installed by default. After logging in, if you look at the main screen, you will see my icon in the top right. Let’s click to enter.

2. Should I call it Naver My Page screen? There’s a lot of this and that. Scroll down the screen and click the [Certificate] menu.

3. Here you can collect your certifications all at once. It allows you to connect your certification.

4. This is the license agreement screen to connect. Please check Agree to all terms and conditions and Agree to all issuing agencies.
Then, you can check whether you have acquired all nationally recognized technical certifications from Human Resources Development Service of Korea, Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc.

5.. Now you need to issue a certificate. Issuing a Naver certificate~ I can’t capture this part… You can easily issue a Naver certificate by just following the instructions in the Naver app.

6. After certification, all certification issuing organizations have confirmed whether or not the certificate has been acquired.

7. But… something is strange.
They say they found two certificates. Um… I know of at least three qualifications that I can remember. It seems like not all certifications have been checked. In this case, you will see a screen in the middle that says [Can’t you see the certificate you acquired?]. Let’s click to enter.

8. Looking at the instructions for each institution, it seems that certificates older than a certain date cannot be automatically searched. In this case, you must separately authenticate yourself for each certificate issuing institution.

9. I previously had a certificate issued by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, so I found a total of 11 certificates through self-verification. As with other institutions, you can check whether you have acquired a certificate and the date of qualification acquisition through identity verification or member login.

I think it’s really convenient to look up the certificate acquisition date because you can now look it up easily. There is no need to take notes. You can easily check your certification acquisition date with the Naver app, so you can use it anytime, anywhere.

A simple way to check the date of acquisition of qualifications, and to check all my national qualifications at once. Q-net qualification inquiry, technician qualification inquiry, simple inquiry through the Naver app!!

자격증 조회
