일용직 실업급여 신청방법 및 조건 How to apply for daily worker unemployment benefits and conditions

For workers in day jobs, the difficult part when receiving unemployment benefits is how to calculate the insured unit period. Today, we will learn how to calculate the insured unit period easily and quickly.

일용직 실업급여

일용직 실업급여
1. How to calculate the insurance period for daily workers

2. Exclusions from unemployment benefits for daily workers

3. How to apply for unemployment benefits for daily workers

4. Benefits that are good to know when receiving unemployment benefits

1. How to calculate the insurance period for daily workers

Meet 180 days of insured units within 18 months from the last day of work
Less than 10 days of daily work during the month prior to the date of application for eligibility.
In the case of daily construction workers, there must be no continuous work history for 14 days prior to the date of application for eligibility.
People who have the will and ability to work, but are unemployed and are making passive efforts to find re-employment
2022.08.08 – [Information that makes money] – Summary of how to receive unemployment benefits after voluntarily quitting your job and working as a contract worker for a month

2. Exclusions from unemployment benefits for daily workers
If you voluntarily quit your job due to reasons such as change of job or self-employment
In case of dismissal due to imprisonment or heavier punishment due to violation of relevant laws, etc.
If you are fired after causing significant damage to your workplace due to embezzlement of public funds or leaking information
If you are fired due to long-term absenteeism or neglect of work, etc.
3. How to apply for unemployment benefits for daily workers
You cannot apply for unemployment benefits more than 12 months after leaving your job, so it is best to apply right away if you meet the application requirements.

Order of applying for unemployment benefits
1. Worknet job application →2. Applicants eligible for employment insurance center take online training →3. Visit the employment center at your place of residence and apply for recognition of eligibility for benefits → 4. Recognition of eligibility for benefits (within 2 weeks) → 5. Visit the employment center once every 1 to 4 weeks and apply for recognition of unemployment.

Unemployment benefit payment amount and payment days
Unemployment benefits vary depending on your age and the number of days you have been enrolled in employment insurance, and you can receive 60% of the average wage you received before leaving your job for as short as 120 days or as long as 270 days. If you get a job while receiving unemployment benefits during the prescribed number of benefit days, you cannot receive it on the day you were employed, but can receive it on the day you were unable to get a job. If the beneficiary re-employs during the prescribed benefit period and is employed for more than 6 months, he or she may receive part or all of the remaining unemployment benefit amount as early re-employment allowance.

4. Benefits that are good to know when receiving unemployment benefits
1. If you receive vocational competency development training, you may receive a development allowance in addition to job search benefits.
2. If you move for reasons such as employment or skill development training, you can receive relocation expenses.
3. If you search for a job over a wide area, you can receive transportation and lodging expenses.

Today, we learned about how daily workers can receive unemployment benefits and how to apply for the amount during the unemployment benefit period.