인터넷 속도 측정 LG How to measure LG U+ (LG U+) internet speed

인터넷 속도 측정 LGIt started with a video released on the channel of popular IT YouTuber Itseop.

Itseop himself clearly signed up for 10Gbps speed internet,
When I actually measured it, the internet speed was 100Mbps.
Because the difference between the announced speed and the actual speed is huge,
I began to have doubts about whether KT was deceiving consumers by only collecting fees.

Below are some photos from the KT Internet speed video on Issup Channel.

After watching Isseop’s video, I also became curious.
I am currently using LG U+ Internet.
We are using the Family Infinite Love (wired and wireless) combined service.

Data is 69 plan, Internet is Wi-Fi 500M, TV is Basic.
By joining the family, you can save some money… but it doesn’t cost a lot of money.

The Internet speed of the LG U+ I am currently using was also questionable.
The subscribed internet service is U+ Internet Wi-Fi Basic_Giga Slim Safe_500M service.
Then, at least when measuring the download and upload internet speed, it should be 400~500M to be normal.
So I did a test.

First, you need to access the LG U+ official website.
If you type LG UPL into Naver or Google, it comes up right away.
Due to time constraints, I will link the official U+ URL address below.


After accessing the LG U+ official website, log in.

Then, as shown in the picture above, go to Customer Support -> Check Product Service Quality -> Measure Internet Speed.
Click on Measure Internet Speed.

A screen like this appears.
Click the Check Internet Speed ​​button.

A pop-up window will appear and a screen like the one above will appear.
If you look at the speedometer in the middle, there is a pink button to start measurement.
Let’s press it.

The measurement has been completed.
The screen above shows the results of the LG 500M Internet speed measurement we are using at home.

Download Speed: 454Mbps
Upload speed: 475Mbps
Delay time: 8.73ms

Oh my, it’s at least at a good level.
Since I signed up for a 500M internet connection, it is acceptable to see speeds of 450 to 500 Mbps.

If you are using LG UPL, please try measuring your internet speed.
If the service speed is significantly slower than the service you signed up for, you will have to call LG U+ customer service and ask for a technician or switch to another internet connection.
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