인천공항 환전 수령 방법, 환전소 운영 시간, 수수료, 위치 알아보기 Find out how to receive currency exchange at Incheon Airport, exchange office operating hours, fees, and location

With the end of COVID-19 this year, the desire to travel has exploded, so I think there will be many people who have planned or made reservations for overseas trips. I am sharing my review of exchanging money at My Bank with those who urgently need to exchange money. I hope it will be of help to you.

인천공항 환전

인천공항 환전

We will also guide you on how to exchange money at My Bank.

My Bank currency exchange method
Download the My Bank app from the Play Store

Click on the currency exchange text

You can calculate the required amount in advance on the next screen.

I calculated the amount saved compared to Incheon Airport.

My Bank preferential fee, Incheon Airport currency exchange fee
It was 45%
If you go to a bank at Incheon Airport and exchange cash and receive dollars, the fee is 4.15% for Shinhan Bank, 4.2% for Woori Bank, and 4.2% for Hana Bank, which is higher than the 1.5% fee for exchanging money at a bank near your home.
If you exchange money at My Bank, you can receive a 45% discount on the above fees.
You may think that the 3-4% currency exchange fee at Incheon Airport is small, but if the exchange amount is $400, you can get a discount of 15,272 won (about 3 cups of coffee).
Wait! Do you want to know how to receive an 80% exchange fee without a Woori Bank account? Please click the arrow below!

Woori Bank currency exchange fee preference
Wait! Do you want to know how to get 90% exchange fee from Nonghyup Bank? Please click the arrow below!

Nonghyup currency exchange fee preference

Pick up time
You can receive it every 30 minutes, 365 days a year from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

This is the text message I received after applying. I was supposed to receive it on Sunday, June 25th.
I thought it would be difficult to exchange money because it was the weekend, but I felt treated well when I received a preferential fee and handed it over to the staff at the airport. The staff also gave me a tip. When you exchange 100 dollars for that country’s currency at a private currency exchange office in a certain country, you must hide the 100 dollars and forge it. He said there was a case where someone gave me a bill and tricked me into thinking it was a counterfeit bill. He told me to take a picture of the dollar as soon as I received it so the serial number of the dollar was visible. Thank you. I think I will exchange money at My Bank next weekend as well.

You must deposit within 20 minutes for the currency exchange to not be cancelled.

Don’t hesitate even on weekends and exchange your money while receiving a 45% preferential fee.