의류수거함 위치 찾기 Find the location of the clothing collection box

You often come across a lot of clothing collection boxes while walking down the street, but when you try to look for them, they are hard to see. Clothes that are difficult to sell or wear are often put in clothing recycling bins.

의류수거함 위치

의류수거함 위치

Sometimes, I don’t know where the clothing collection bin is, so I don’t know where to put my old clothes. A clothing collection box is also called a used clothes collection box.

Clothes that go into the old clothes collection box are recycled and used. They are often placed in apartment complexes or various residential complexes, and best of all, they can be disposed of without incurring waste costs.

You don’t just have to put clothes in the old clothes collection box. You can put your shoes in it, and you can put everything else that is made of cotton, such as blankets, handkerchiefs, etc.

Today, we will tell you about 5 ways to find the location of these clothing collection boxes (location of used clothes collection boxes).

1. How to find the location of the clothing collection box
1. Check on the local government website
2. Search on public data portal
3. Inquire by phone at the community center
4. Use map road view
5. Use Dasan Call Center (120)
2. Direct installation?
3. Items that can/cannot be placed in the clothing recycling bin
1. How to find the location of the clothing collection box

There are several ways to find the location of the clothing collection box. In the past, you had to go out and check the location and memorize it, but these days, you can easily find the location.

Let’s summarize the various methods that can be easily checked into 5 categories.

1. Check on the local government website

The first way is to search on the local government website. We have set up a function so that you can check the location of clothing collection boxes on the official websites of various district offices, city halls, and county offices.

First, go to the website of the district office where you reside. In my case, I will check by connecting to Songpa-gu Office.

1. Search for ‘clothing collection box’ in the search bar of the website.

Songpa-gu Office Photos
2. Select a clothing collection box in the webpage field of the search results.

Songpa-gu Office clothing collection box
3. Check the results

Clothing collection box location map
Checking on the local government website is quick and easy, but it has the disadvantage that not all local government websites support checking the location of clothing collection boxes.

The local government website in your area may not support finding the location of a clothing collection box, so if there are no search results, please try the following methods.

2. Search on public data portal
Similar to the local government website, you can check by searching on the public data portal website. However, public data portals are also not registered, so there are areas where inquiries are not possible.

1. Access the public data portal homepage.

Public data portal homepage
2. Enter the name of the area you live in and the location of the clothing collection box in the immediately visible search box and search.

Public data portal photo
3. Select and navigate to the shortcut in the search results, then click CSV to download.

Public data portal clothing collection box location download
4. Open the downloaded file and check the location of the used clothes collection box.

Public data portal clothing collection box location address
You can see that the location is indicated as an address as follows. If you are curious about the location in more detail, you can copy the address and search it in the search bar to check the location on the map.

Public data portal clothing collection box location map
3. Inquire by phone at the community center

If you are too lazy to search on the Internet or have no results, you can find the location of the clothing collection box by calling the community center.

A simple way is to ask for the location of a clothing collection box manager or resource circulation team representative through the local community center in your area.

4. Use map road view
It may be a somewhat cumbersome method, but it is a method that saves you effort compared to going out and searching for it yourself. This is how to find it using the road view on the map.

Since you can easily check the distance around your home using Road View, you can also check the location of the clothing collection box.

Clothing collection box street view location
They are mainly installed around residential areas or apartment complexes, so you can easily find them by looking around residential areas.

5. Use Dasan Call Center (120)
This is a method of using the Dasan Call Center, where you can inquire about all news related to the area you currently live in, such as the location of the used clothes collection box, how to dispose of waste, and contact information for various facilities.

It is a very convenient method because you can inquire not only by phone, but also by text. Just dial 120 along with the area code.

After giving your home address, you can ask them to find the nearest clothing collection box nearby.

You can also contact us via text message, so please refer to this for inquiries.

2. Direct installation?
It is possible to purchase and install a clothing collection box yourself. It is sold for around 220,000 won and is available for purchase.

Clothing collection box sale photo
However, in the case of installation, you must obtain permission from a government office, so please find out the procedure first rather than purchasing it blindly.

3. Items that can/cannot be placed in the clothing recycling bin
Clothing bins don’t necessarily have to contain only clothes. Shoes, bags, blankets, curtains, carpets, and even quilts are included in the items that can be included.

Items that are not allowed include pillows, cushions, cotton blankets, carriers, and roller skates. I hope there is no mistake and that you can easily find and use the location using the method I gave you today.