올리브영 영업시간 및 매장찾기 총정리 Olive Young business hours and store locator

I often visit Olive Young to get something I need or to kill time. I think I go to Olive Young more often because it sells a variety of items, including daily necessities, drinks, and snacks, rather than just cosmetics. This time, we will learn about Olive Young’s business hours and location.

올리브영 영업시간

올리브영 영업시간
Business hours vary for each store, so it is best to check in advance before using them.


Go online and search for Olive Young’s business hours. The map window displays Olive Young stores in order of proximity to your current location. Business hours are not listed, so it is best to check the website.


It is also a good idea to visit the Olive Young official website or go to the store menu at the bottom of the website. When you click on a store, a screen where you can find the store will immediately appear.


When you look at the screen, you can check out the new store for the first time.


If you are curious about a new store, you can click on the new store to check it out. If you want to check the store, go to the store finder. You can check by clicking on the store you want.


For example, if you click on Garak Market Station, detailed store information and Olive Young business hours will be displayed. The Garak Market Station branch is open from 8:00 am to 10:30 pm on weekdays, and from 11:00 am to 10:30 pm on weekends, and is said to be open the same way on public holidays.


Parking facilities and a map are attached so you can use it usefully.


Let’s find another spot for comparison. If you look at the Garosu-gil branch located in Seoul, the business hours are slightly different. The Garosu-gil branch is open from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. from Monday to Saturday, and Olive Young is open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Sundays and public holidays.


Since business hours vary by region and store, it would be a good idea to check in advance. You can also check information about location, so it can be useful.