영구임대아파트 입주조건 LH Permanent Lease Apartment occupancy qualifications and application method information

Permanent rental apartments are public rental housing where low-income households can live permanently with a deposit and rent that are lower than the market price in order to stabilize their housing. Permanent housing occupancy is for non-homeowners, recipients of livelihood and medical benefits, single-parent families, persons of national merit, persons with disabilities, and comfort women. The number of pyeong is 12 pyeong to 19 pyeong apartments, and if there is no change in qualification for 2 years, you can rent it without restrictions through renewal. 영구임대아파트 입주조건

영구임대아파트 입주조건

Those who meet the qualifications for permanent rental housing can apply for move-in through the local government where the permanent rental apartment is located. To apply, contact a social welfare official at the community center or ward office. After application, prospective residents are selected according to the tenant selection criteria of the local government, and if residents of the existing rental apartment move out, they can move in according to the order of move-in. 1분전


What are the conditions for moving into a permanent rental apartment?
Permanent rental apartment occupancy selection order
How to apply for a permanent rental apartment?
What are the conditions for moving into a permanent rental apartment?

If you move into a permanent rental apartment, you can pay the deposit and rent at 30% or less of the surrounding market rate, although there may be differences depending on the region and qualifications for moving in. It is a good benefit that can ease the heavy burden for the homeless social protection class, whose housing is unstable due to low income. That’s why many people apply. First of all, as a non-homeowner household member, you must satisfy one of the following conditions to apply.

▣ Permanent Rental Housing Qualifications

① Recipients of livelihood or medical benefits as recipients of basic livelihood security

② Comfort women victims, single-parent families

③ A person aged 65 or older who is a direct ascendant and whose income is less than the recognized income for the selection criteria for livelihood and medical benefit recipients.

– Limited to cases where the applicant for supply is the head of the household

– The dependent’s spouse must also be homeless

– The fact of support is recognized only when it is registered on the resident registration table for each household.

④ 65 years of age or older

⑤ Those who earned 50% or less of the average monthly income per household of urban workers in the previous year

⑥ Persons recognized by the Minister and mayor/provincial governors as equivalent to basic recipients, persons of merit, comfort women victims, single-parent families, etc.

⑦ A person who has been issued a disability registration certificate and whose average monthly income is less than the average monthly income per household by number of urban workers in the previous year and who meets the asset requirements for permanent rental housing

⑧ A person whose average monthly income is less than 70% of the average monthly income per household by number of urban workers in the previous year and who meets the asset requirements for permanent rental housing, who falls under the following categories:

– Persons of national merit, persons of merit for the 5.18 Democracy Movement, persons subject to compensation for war veterans, persons performing special missions, and persons of merit who participated in the Korean War (including survivors)

– North Korean defectors, those who have been issued a disability registration card

– A person who is discharged from a child welfare facility and recommended by the head of the child welfare facility


※ How much is the deposit and rent for permanent rental housing?

: Although there are differences depending on the region and occupancy qualification, you can pay cheaper than the general rent market rate. It is supplied at 30% of the surrounding market price, and you only need to pay a deposit of 3 to 4 million won and a monthly rent of 5 to 100 thousand won.

However, even if you meet the qualifications, you can move in according to the following priority.


Permanent rental apartment occupancy selection order
The first priority to move into permanent rental apartments is basic pension recipients, people of national merit (including survivors), Japanese military comfort women, single-parent families, North Korean defectors, people with disabilities, dependents over 65 years of age, people who have been discharged from child welfare facilities, and the next highest class. The next 2nd priority is for those who meet the income and asset requirements, and those who are recognized as necessary by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport or the governor of a city or province.


▣ Applicants for preferential supply of permanent rental housing

① Men of national merit, veterans, veterans of the May 18 Democratic Republic of Korea, men of special mission merit, war veterans

– If the household’s average monthly income is less than 70% of the previous year’s average monthly income per household of urban workers, and the Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs deems it necessary to move into permanent rental housing, 10% of the construction volume can be preferentially supplied.

② Homeless POWs (Registered POWs)

③ Newlyweds who are recipients

– Recipients who are newlyweds (including those who are planning to get married) who have been married for less than 7 years and are members of non-homeowner households

– All members of the household to be formed by marriage must be homeless


※ What is ‘senior welfare housing’?

: Welfare housing for the elderly is a permanent rental housing complex with housing and social welfare facilities, and is designated for housing stability for the elderly over 65 years of age. Residents of welfare housing for the elderly are determined in the order of national merit (1st priority), basic living security recipients (2nd priority), and those who meet asset requirements (3rd priority), and within the same priority, seniority is determined.


However, in the case of national merit, prisoners of war, and newly married couples who are recipients, if the above conditions are satisfied, a certain percentage of the permanent housing construction volume can be preferentially provided regardless of the priority according to general supply.


▣ Related articles

– Priority condition for newlyweds based on income standards and additional points for special provision for newlyweds

– Qualifications for National Rental Housing and Priority for Newlyweds


How to apply for a permanent rental apartment?
Those wishing to move into permanent rental housing must visit the local community center and submit a move-in application. Online application is not possible. Upon receipt, local governments (community centers, district offices, etc.) select candidates to move in and hand over the move-in order to the Korea National Housing Corporation. If there is a vacancy due to the move-out of the existing tenant after waiting, you will be notified of the move-in and can move in through a contract.

▣ Permanent housing move-in procedure

① Application for move-in: Visit the community center or ward office and fill out the application form

② Selection of tenants (scheduled) to move in

③ Send a list of move-in candidates

④ Existing tenant eviction vacancy occurs

⑤ Move-in guidance and contract: Move-in notification if there is an eviction unit among existing tenants


※ How are tenants selected for rental apartments?

: The rental apartment tenants are selected in the order of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd priority. The 3rd priority is the housing subscription comprehensive savings subscribers, and the 2nd priority is recognized by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and mayors and provincial governors as “persons with 50% or less of the average monthly income per household of urban workers in the previous year” and “people who receive livelihood and medical benefits, comfort women victims, single-parent families, etc.” It is ‘one who does’. In addition, those who fall under ① to ⑤ in the above qualifications will be selected as the 1st priority.


Permanent rental apartments have a total area of 26 to 42 square meters and are built around 12 to 19 pyeong in terms of square footage. After the contract, the occupancy qualification is checked every two years, and if the occupancy qualification is maintained, the contract can be renewed and continued residence. The number of people waiting to move into a permanent rental apartment is usually between 1 and 3,000 per region, and it usually takes about 2 years (24 months) to move in. It will be difficult to move in due to the lack of permanent housing supply and the tricks of the Yamche people, but I hope you will work hard and move in quickly.