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A Guide to Using the Body Mass Calculator – A Practical Way to Manage Your Weight
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Find out your weight status through the obesity calculator and start the first step towards healthy change. The obesity calculator is not just a tool, it serves as a guide for a healthy life. Start now and pave the way to better health and wellness.

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How the Obesity Calculator Works
The Obesity Calculator is a tool to determine whether or not you are overweight by calculating your body mass index (BMI). Obesity is recognized as a serious problem that negatively affects health, and it is important to accurately identify the condition of obesity in order to prevent and control it. Obesity calculator calculates BMI by inputting individual weight and height, and measures obesity based on this.

Go to the following obesity index calculator ▼▼

Obesity refers to a condition in which the accumulation of fat in the body is abnormally high. Obesity is measured by BMI, which is calculated as weight divided by height squared. In general, different degrees of obesity are distinguished according to the BMI value. By applying these classification criteria, an individual’s degree of obesity is identified. Obesity Calculator receives height and weight information from the user. Based on the input information, BMI is calculated, and the degree of obesity is measured according to the calculated BMI value.

In general, the degree of obesity is divided into:

Underweight BMI 18.5
Normal weight BMI 18.5 or more and less than 23
Overweight BMI 23 or more and less than 25
Obesity stage 1 BMI 25 or more and less than 30
Obesity stage 2 BMI 30 or more and less than 35
Obesity level 3 (severely obese) BMI over 35

Obesity calculators tell you how obese you are, but it shouldn’t be understood simply as a number. When assessing obesity, a person’s body composition, lifestyle, and family history should be considered. In fact, it’s best to consult a health professional for advice tailored to your individual circumstances.


Go to Child Obesity Calculator ▼▼

Diet and exercise plans for obesity management
After checking the degree of obesity using the obesity index calculator, it is important to prepare appropriate measures. Depending on your level of obesity, you can take a number of steps to improve your health and reduce your risk of obesity-related complications.

Diet: If you are classified as overweight or obese through the obesity index calculator, it is important to maintain proper calorie intake and nutritional balance through diet. It is recommended to include healthy foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and protein in your diet, and to limit your intake of excess fat and sugar.

Exercise: An appropriate exercise plan should be established according to the degree of obesity. You should try to combine aerobic exercise (eg walking, running, swimming) with strength training to lose weight and build muscle at the same time. It is recommended to continue moderate exercise for 150 minutes or more per week, and it is recommended to exercise safely under the guidance of a professional.

Healthy lifestyle: It is important to form a healthy lifestyle to improve obesity. You should try to develop habits such as getting enough sleep, managing stress, and controlling smoking or drinking.


Obesity calculator limitations and expert help
Expert support: If you are severely overweight or have not been able to lose weight despite various attempts, it is recommended that you seek the help of a health professional. You can consult with a nutritionist, doctor, trainer, etc. to establish a personalized diet and exercise plan.

Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Continuous monitoring and adjustment are necessary even after the degree of obesity has been confirmed using the obesity index calculator. Weight and physical condition can change over time, so you should periodically reassess your body mass and adjust your diet and exercise plan accordingly.

Social Support and Motivation: The problem of obesity can be difficult to solve with individual will and effort alone. So social support and motivation from family, friends, health professionals, and group activities can help. Sharing a goal together and giving each other encouragement and support can have a huge impact on your weight loss success