쏘카 고객센터 및 사고처리 방법 Socar Customer Center and Accident Handling Methods

There are often situations where you need to urgently contact the customer center while using Socar. In particular, when a problem occurs while using a Socar vehicle, how to contact and report an accident is very important information. To prepare for such situations, Socar provides a customer center service that can be connected 24 hours a day, so you can receive help anytime, anywhere.

쏘카 고객센터

쏘카 고객센터

Socar Customer Center Number | 24-hour connection to headquarters counselor | Accident report
In order to respond to various problems that may occur while using Socar, Socar provides a customer center number that can be connected 24 hours a day. Through this number, you can report an accident as well as receive consultation on various problems that may occur while driving the vehicle. In particular, when an accident occurs, it is important to immediately contact the customer center and receive guidance.

Socar 24-hour 1661-3315

Socar Accident Report Consultation Phone Number
In addition to vehicle accidents, an accident report consultation phone number is also provided that is necessary in various situations such as losing items in the vehicle, warning lights on, and vehicle abnormalities. You can quickly convey the situation and receive necessary measures through this number.

Socar accident report 1661-4977

Socar headquarters direct phone number
There is no separate direct phone number for Socar headquarters, but you can receive all the necessary consultation and support through the customer center. If it is not an urgent situation, real-time chat consultation is also available through the Socar app.

Socar real-time chat consultation
You can receive real-time chat consultation 24 hours a day through the Socar app. This is a convenient way to receive consultation for non-urgent inquiries or problems that occur while using the app.

Socar app download

Q & A
What is the Socar customer center phone number?
The customer center number that can be reached 24 hours a day is 1661-3315.
– **What is the Socar accident report consultation number?** The accident report consultation number is 1661-4977. – **What if I lose something in Socar?** You can find your lost item by opening the vehicle door with the smart key through the Socar app, but if there is a next user scheduled, you must contact the customer center to resolve the issue. – **The SOCAR warning light came on.** If the red warning light comes on, you must contact the customer center, explain the situation, and receive guidance on how to resolve it. – **The SOCAR navigation is not working.** You can also contact the customer center to resolve any navigation-related issues. It is important to know the appropriate contact information and response methods to prepare for various situations that may occur while using SOCAR. We hope that you will have a safe and convenient vehicle usage experience through SOCAR’s 24-hour customer center, where you can receive help anytime, anywhere.