쌀벌레 없애는법 How to get rid of rice weevils – How to get rid of rice weevils

쌀벌레 없애는법Rice weevils are the most commonly found pests. Rice weevils are a pest of the weevil family and have a fairly long lifespan of more than 2 years. One rice weevil lays one egg per grain of rice, and it is said that it lays more than 300 eggs during its lifetime. Therefore, if rice weevils are not exterminated in a timely manner, the rice may become covered with bugs.

Now, let’s find out how to get rid of rice bugs.
The first method is to use cotton soaked in alcohol with an alcohol content of 30% or more. Place the cotton soaked in alcohol in a small bowl, then place it inside the container containing the rice bugs and seal the opening. If you leave it in this state for three or four days, the alcohol will kill the bugs in the rice. And bugs gather on the cotton, so you can effectively get rid of rice weevils.
To eradicate rice weevils, if you create an environment that rice weevils do not like, the rice weevils will come out of the rice. That means making it very cold and dry. If you put rice with rice weevils in a container and place it on an ice pack and a basin filled with cold water, the weevils will come out. And the weevils that escape jump into the water in search of water. Although it takes a long time, it is a useful method.

If the weather is good, it is a good idea to spread the rice outdoors in the shade on newspaper and spread it to dry. Rice bugs hate light, so when exposed to bright light in the middle of the day, they come out of the rice. And as the rice dries, it becomes difficult for weevils to inhabit it. If you do it indoors, rice bugs will hide here and there in the house, so be sure to dry it outdoors.

Rather than removing rice bugs after they appear, it is wiser to take precautions to prevent rice bugs from forming in advance. Rice bugs reproduce well in warm temperatures of around 28 to 30 degrees and in a humid environment. Therefore, it is recommended to control the temperature and humidity and store it in a cool, dry place. And it is best to avoid direct sunlight.
If you have soybeans, it is a good idea to store them in rice. The antibacterial effect of charcoal is good, but since charcoal absorbs moisture, it always creates a dry environment, which has the effect of preventing an environment where rice bugs can live.

If you eat rice after rice bugs are infested, the taste will be greatly reduced. At this time, it is good to eat rice cake. Please be careful to avoid rice bugs in advance. If you have rice bugs, please try to get rid of rice bugs using the method here.
Rice weevil tree wiki
Hwaranggok Moth Namu Wiki
How to get rid of rice bugs and how to store rice

쌀벌레 없애는법
