스타벅스 다이어트 음료 Starbucks Diet Drinks – Top 5 Drinks You Can Avoid Even If You Eat – Health Thinking

스타벅스 다이어트 음료Hello, this is Health Thinking, providing healthy information!
These days when the weather is very hot, do you often drink coffee at cafes?
I also like coffee on a daily basis, but these days, caffeine is essential for modern people.. haha.
However, if you only eat Americano every day, sometimes you may want to try sweeter coffee or another type of coffee.
If you keep holding it in, stress will build up and you may end up binge eating! (See article on how to solve stress-related binge eating)
However, other coffees have a lot of additives and are sweet, so you may be afraid that you will gain weight.
Americano, cold brew, cafe latte!
Aside from these three obvious types, I would like to introduce you to Starbucks diet drink (0 caffeine)!
Next time, I will make it with caffeine-free drinks as well!
So, shall we quickly find out?
1.Vanilla cream cold brew (125kcal)
It contains about 11g of sugar, but this is the recommended daily amount and is not a significant burden on the body!
This is a dish I highly recommend to those who can’t give up vanilla latte! It’s not as bitter as you might think, and it tastes similar to a cafe latte!
The fact is that it tastes more like coffee milk than you think..!
2. Nitro Vanilla Cream (80kcal)
I also recommend this to those who like vanilla latte!
A regular Starbucks vanilla bean latte has 20g of sugar, but this has 10g, so it’s great that you can enjoy the same taste with 1/2 the amount!
All drinks are based on the tall size, so if you drink a smaller size, the sugar and calories will be lower, right?
3. Skinny Cafe Mocha (80kcal)
This is a slightly different way to order Kamemoka!
You can order a regular cafe mocha by leaving out the whipped cream and replacing the milk with fat-free or fat-free milk!
Compared to a regular cafe mocha with 250 calories, 21g of sugar, and 8g of fat, when made this way, the calories are 85 calories, sugar is 16, and fat is within 1g!
4. Oat Latte
For oat latte, I recommend changing to oat milk for those who say, “I can’t drink fat-free milk!”
The calories are reduced by about half, but it’s delicious and filling!
When changing oat milk, an additional 600 won is added to the price based on tall size!
And the calories are reduced to about 60 calories 🙂
When enjoying oat cold brew rather than oat latte, we recommend omitting the classic syrup!
5. Espresso Frappuccino
When you think of Frappocino, you might think that it is one of the most high-calorie drinks!
Because it has a strong sweet taste and also contains cream!
So it may be higher in calories than other drinks, but as we always say, what foods should you not eat?
does not exist!
If possible, just eat a little less fat and enjoy good food!
That’s why we recommend the Espresso Frappuccino, which has the lowest calories!
If you want to lower the calories a little more, you can change the regular syrup to light syrup. Since the sugar content is lowered by 25%, the calories will drop from 145 to 100!
(See how to view Starbucks menu calories)
Well, today we looked at coffee drinks that can be consumed instead of Americano at Starbucks!
Instead, you can eat this every day!!
You all know this isn’t right, right?
People can’t always eat the same thing and endure everything, so I recommend creating good habits with good products so that you can enjoy it in moderation from the beginning!
This was Hell Thinking, which pursues a healthy mind 🙂
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