생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health checkup items by life cycle, type of subject, and cost

We will summarize who is eligible for the national health checkup and provide guidance on the checkup items that can be received for free in each country for each age group, precautions for the day before the checkup, and meals after the health checkup, based on our experience working at the checkup hospital.


생애주기별 건강검진

생애주기별 건강검진


You can receive detailed information on gastroscopy, colonoscopy, menstrual health check-ups, polyp removal, etc. by clicking on the corresponding thumbnail.


2023 Life cycle health checkup recipients

The 2023 health checkup by life cycle is also called the national health checkup, and this year’s recipients are those whose birth year ends in an odd number.


[2023 National Health Checkup Target]

People whose year of birth ends in an odd number

Example) 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987…



National health checkups are conducted once every two years.

However, this only applies if you are eligible for a general health checkup.

Those eligible for general health checkups can receive health checkups free of charge.



▼Check who is eligible for free health check-up in 2023▼

Please check whether you are eligible for free health checkup and then make a reservation.

Free health check-up items by age
Common inspection items

Examination, consultation, height, weight, waist circumference, body mass index, vision, hearing, blood pressure measurement
fasting blood sugar
Urine protein, serum creatinine, hemoglobin, glomerular filtration rate (e-GFR)
chest radiography
oral examination

Checkup items available for free by age

The items available for health checkups (life cycle health checkups) conducted by the government vary depending on age, gender, and risk group.

Health check-up items available for free by age

National free cancer screening eligibility, cost
Free cancer screenings provided by the country include stomach cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and lung cancer.


You can get tested for stomach cancer once every two years, colon cancer every year, liver cancer every six months, breast cancer once every two years, cervical cancer once every two years, and lung cancer once every two years. .


Since the eligibility for each cancer is different, please check to see if you are eligible for free cancer screening.




Among these, for stomach cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer, 10% of the cost is covered by the patient, and the government supports 90%.



Schedule a health checkup
For the national health checkup conducted by the country, you first need to check whether you are eligible for the checkup and then make an appointment at the checkup hospital.

For detailed information on making a reservation for a checkup, please read the article below.



Precautions the day before health checkup
If you have made a reservation for a checkup, these are the things you must follow to ensure an accurate test the day before your checkup.


1. Fast for more than 8 hours from 9pm the night before the examination.

2. The day before the checkup, refrain from smoking or drinking and do not overwork.

3. Do not drink water or coffee while fasting.

4. If you are taking any medications (blood pressure medication, diabetes medication, etc.), consult with your medical staff in advance.


Those receiving gastroscopy or colonoscopy have different precautions, so please be sure to understand them before visiting the hospital.

For women, when menstruation date and checkup date overlap

Please be sure to read the precautions below.


Meal after health checkup
Be careful to eat immediately after fasting for a long time and completing the examination.

If you have had a general checkup, please avoid spicy, salty, and irritating foods and also refrain from coffee.


If you have a polyp removed after a stomach or colonoscopy, you should not eat right away because there was bleeding. After 3-4 hours, eat mild porridge, and avoid spicy and salty foods and alcohol for 3-7 days.