새마을금고 고객센터 및 전화번호 Saemaeul Geumgo customer center and phone number

Let’s find out about Saemaeul Geumgo’s business hours and ATM operating hours. 2 In the financial world, Saemaul Geumgo is the most well-known and many people use Saemaeul Geumgo deposits. Below we will tell you how to find out the business hours and ATM operating hours of nearby Saemaeul Geumgo.

새마을금고 고객센터

새마을금고 고객센터

Saemaeul Geumgo business hours
Business hours and lunch hours by branch
Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center
Saemaeul Geumgo ATM
A collection of articles that are good to read together
Check Saemaeul Geumgo business hours and ATM operation hours (+Customer Center)
Quick summary of the post

– Saemaeul Geumgo business hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
– Immediately check the location of Saemaeul Geumgo and ATMs near me
– Find out the business hours of each Saemaeul Geumgo branch▶
Saemaeul Geumgo business hours
Saemaeul Geumgo website
Saemaeul Geumgo business hours
Saemaul Geumgo’s business hours are mostly from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sometimes, many people misunderstand that there are stores that are open until 18:00, like specialized stores in the financial sector, but Saemaeul Geumgo does not operate specialized stores that are open until 6:00.


If you are not sure about Saemaeul Geumgo’s business hours or have difficulty searching, please call the customer service center at 1599-9000 and ask an information staff for guidance. (9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)


Business hours and lunch hours by branch

You can also search for the Saemaeul Geumgo branch you want to visit. If you search for the area or neighborhood you want to go to, you can find the location, address, phone number, etc. along with a map.


If you would like to find a regional headquarters by region rather than a branch, you can find out more in Saemaul Geumgo location information ▶ Regional headquarters information.


Saemaeul Geumgo, like other banks, eats lunch in shifts, so it does not close operations just because it is lunch time. However, because there are few staff to respond, the wait may be long.


Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center
As previously mentioned, the Saemaeul Geumgo Customer Center phone number is 1599-9000. 1588-8801 is also available. If you would like to speak to a customer center representative, you can do so from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Please note that in particular, we operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to report accidents such as loss of card or OTP. The customer center shortcut number is as follows. Please refer to the speed dial to process your work quickly.

Number 1 – Connect to an agent
No. 2 – Payment of Saemaul Geumgo account deduction fee
No. 3 – Virtual account inquiry
No. 4 – Check contract details
No. 5 – Compensation claim inquiry
No. 6 – Income deduction payment certificate
No. 7 – Certificate of payment of deduction fee
No. 8 – Inquiry on available deduction contract loan amount
Saemaul Geumgo Frequently Asked Questions
Saemaul Geumgo Frequently Asked Questions
In addition to phone calls, chat consultations and email consultations are also available, so if you find it difficult to make phone calls, please try simple chat or email consultations.


Saemaeul Geumgo ATM
Saemaul Geumgo ATM, or Saemaeul Geumgo automated machine, is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, since the usage fee is different during business hours and non-business hours, we recommend using it during business hours to save on fees.

During business hours: Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Outside of business hours: Time outside of business hours and public holidays
You can easily search for Saemaul Geumgo ATM locations. If you search for Saemaeul Geumgo ATMs based on your current location, you can immediately find out where they are nearby.


Business hours start at 7 a.m., some open at 8 a.m., and closing times are 10 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., so be sure to search before visiting.


▶Instant search for Saemaeul Geumgo ATM location

Above, we learned about Saemaeul Geumgo’s business hours and ATM operating hours. To summarize once again, Saemaul Geumgo is open from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, so please check again before visiting.