사회복지사가 하는 일 3 things social workers do, the reality of work intensity (nursing homes, senior welfare centers, etc.)

사회복지사가 하는 일A social worker is a person who is dedicated to social welfare work in the government, public institutions, and private sector. The scope of work includes working with various vulnerable groups such as youth, children, the elderly, the disabled, mental health, and medical care.
In order to work as a social worker, you must obtain a related certification such as level 1 or level 2, and then your experience will be recognized and you will be able to receive the appropriate salary from the salary scale.
Social worker career recognition range (example of recognition criteria certificate, description)
Social workers work to help people who are experiencing personal or social difficulties, such as youth, the elderly, families, women, and the disabled.
There are three main things social workers do.

Social Worker Recruitment Information Employment Job Search Site
Specifically, this is what social workers do.
Social workers also work as part of clinical treatment teams in various medical institutions, such as hospitals and psychiatric hospitals.
We help patients solve their social and personal problems, and we also provide counseling and guidance for patients and their families to return to society, job training, and disease prevention.
Labor cost guidelines for workers at social welfare facilities (social worker salary scale monthly salary)
The most representative job of a social worker is working at a social welfare center or welfare facility.
We provide counseling, protection and support to vulnerable groups in need of social protection, such as youth, children, the elderly, women and the disabled.
Mainly, we establish support and protection plans for people who need welfare service support, provide basic living support, and support them to become independent.
They mainly work in social welfare centers, youth support centers, local children’s centers, senior welfare centers, welfare centers for the disabled, rehabilitation facilities for the disabled, child care facilities, and elderly care facilities.
When you get a job as a social welfare public servant, you will be responsible for ensuring the basic livelihood of beneficiaries and performing social welfare work.
In addition, social welfare officials are correctional social workers who provide interviews, rehabilitation, crime prevention, and guidance to juvenile delinquents and criminals.
There are also various types of social workers, including school social workers, industrial social workers, and military social workers.

In addition to this, there is a variety of work to be done, including administrative work such as writing reports on related work, workplace development and employment support for vocational rehabilitation employment, and NGO work.
Legally mandatory training for social workers (required continuing education at social welfare facilities)
The intensity of social workers’ work varies depending on the facility. Depending on the institution, work or administrative duties are tight, so some work at night or on weekends, but there are many cases where they only work five days a week and then go home.
In particular, there may be differences by region, and the intensity of work varies depending on various conditions such as regional demand for social welfare, infrastructure, and manpower.
Also, if I am capable enough, the intensity may vary depending on the individual’s abilities and experience.
How to apply online for social worker continuing education (obligatory subjects, exemption conditions)
If a social worker is new to the workforce, the starting salary is set at around 2 million won. Here, if various allowances are added, you can receive more than 2.4 million won.
However, although there are differences between welfare centers, many people feel that there is a lot of chores because they have to do various administrative tasks, social welfare administration, and civil complaint management.
If your business is often operated with government subsidies, it may be difficult to carry out your work smoothly due to cuts in the social welfare budget.
Social Worker Level 1 Exam Schedule, Explanation, Previous Questions Difficulty
In addition, social workers may feel an emotional burden on the vulnerable groups they deal with, which can be very stressful.
These days, as the demand for and interest in social welfare is increasing, there is a need to pay attention to the role and support of social workers to solve this problem.

Above, we have checked the three tasks that social workers do and the reality of work intensity (nursing homes, senior welfare centers, etc.).
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