사이버수사대 신고방법 Summary of articles on how to report to the Cyber Investigation Unit and procedures

These days, there are more incidents in the Internet environment, and there are a lot of people who suffer from it. Being hurt by malicious comments (hateful comments) that we commonly say and can be seen in comments, or suffering property damage due to second-hand trading fraud, etc.

The procedure for reporting to the Cybercrime Police is very simple. As simple as this is, it is unfortunately not as quick as violent crime. I found out about what I actually experienced and some reviews. At the bottom of the page, there is a pictorial explanation of how to report. 사이버수사대 신고방법

사이버수사대 신고방법

Know when making a report.

To report to the Cyber Investigation Unit, you can go to the police station (police box) and file a damage report online. When submitting a report online, you must verify your identity to prevent pranks and to collect information.

When applying, you should not think that you are not actually being investigated, and you must write all the circumstances as they are so that the police can easily understand them. 1분전

Most importantly, you must provide a phone number where you can be reached unconditionally. And later, when the investigation is in progress, you should be able to go right away if you are contacted.

We must not forget that reporting is literally a report, not an inquiry. When reporting online, there is a field to enter a password (password), and it is good to remember the password as it is a means for only you to read it when the police respond later.


When will I be in touch?

Most of them will respond within 15 days, which is 15 days, and most of them will be contacted. Because the Internet only accepts simple reports, when you receive a call, you will be told to go to the police station where you live and receive an investigation.


What to do when under investigation?

Before going to the police station, you just need to print out the malicious comments (bad comments) and bring your ID. This is the first time this has happened, so you may be very nervous and scared, but the important thing is that you must never forget that you are the victim.

If you inflate your words or turn them around and get investigated, the detectives may be suspicious and it may flow strangely, so you must show evidence based on what happened and speak frugally.

When an investigation is received, a formal report is received and the work proceeds.


When will we see results?

It is necessary to set a long date for damages on second-hand trading sites. However, it usually takes 2 to 4 months to catch the person who attacked with malicious comments. When everything is done on the police side, they will call the victim and tell them to come out and show them what has been done.

In the case of malicious comments, there are some cases that are mostly dismissed, but most of them are known to pay about 400,000 to 800,000 won in fines.


how to report


If you search for “Police Police Cyber Security Bureau” in the search bar on Google (Google), you will see an official website called Cyber Security Bureau-Police Police at the top as shown above. Start accessing the site.


Your favorite menu will appear on the left. Click Cybercrime Report and Consultation. Later, if you want to check and inquire whether the answer depends on what you wrote, you can go through the report and consultation result inquiry next to it. You will usually receive a response via text message.


If you are a victim of a crime and request a formal investigation, please click here.


Select the consent box, authenticate yourself, select the reporter information and crime type, and write down the data the victim has.


As a method of reporting to the Cyber Investigation Unit, there are Internet scams and gambling, stalking, insults, etc. as above.