불법주차 신고하는 방법(feat.안전신문고) How to report illegal parking (feat. Safety Report)

Parking on the road in violation of the law is illegal parking, and parking on someone else’s property without permission is illegal parking. Today, I will kindly explain how to report illegal parking and how to 100% resolve unauthorized parking.불법주차 신고

불법주차 신고

Because illegal parking is a violation of the law, it is very easy to deal with it through public intervention. Vehicles illegally parked on roads owned by the state can be easily resolved by imposing a fine by notifying the Road Traffic Department of the local district office by calling 120 to report complaints or by downloading the Citizen Inconvenience Reporting app on your smartphone.

In addition, when the situation is urgent or traffic is significantly disrupted, even though it is not a criminal case, the 112 emergency report can be used to dispatch local police or traffic police and urge employees of the road traffic department of the district office to dispatch directly.


However, unauthorized parking on private land (multi-family villa parking lot, commercial parking lot, etc.) is quite troublesome and difficult to deal with because the intervention of public power is limited. Even if you call 112 in anger, all the police can do is ask for cooperation through a loudspeaker to remove the car during the day, and it is difficult to get much help at night.

Neither 120 nor 119 helps. Asking public officials to resolve issues that are not clearly illegal and have not yet been legislated is like asking for an abuse of power. Now, let’s take a closer look at how individuals systematically solve the problem.


Photo of illegally parked car
illegal parking

Comprehensive summary of illegal parking solutions
Illegal parking: Call 120, report directly to the Road Traffic Department of the district office, or file a complaint through the National Inconvenience app on Android or App Store.
Unauthorized parking: Claim land use fees first, and if legal requirements are met, file a criminal case for trespassing on a building.

Villa unauthorized parking solution process
When encountering vehicles trespassing and parking on private property such as multi-family villas and neighborhood facilities, the following measures are generally taken.

Call the contact number on your vehicle’s dashboard and ask for mobile parking.
Strong illegal parking stickers attached.
Towing vehicle through a towing company.
Lock your vehicle using a car wheel lock.
Blocking illegally parked cars with other cars and urging them to apologize.
In general, a person with common sense can easily resolve the issue with a phone call, but in other cases, it is difficult to take direct action for fear of legal liability, controversy, and retaliation in the event of vehicle damage or an accident.

The reality is that parking disputes often turn into emotional fights because no clear solution can be found, and the victims suffer even more.


So, let’s learn how to resolve the problem neatly so that the injured party does not become the perpetrator of a civil lawsuit without getting into an argument with the person who parks illegally.

Awareness of private land and raising awareness among illegal parking owners by charging land use fees.
Punishment by filing a criminal complaint under Article 319, Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Act by attaching evidence when revisiting the same vehicle.
Now, let’s find out how it goes. If unknown cars come and park in the villa where I live day and night, let’s do two things.

Land Use Claim Warning Letter
Warning sign for unauthorized parking on private property visible anywhere in the parking lot
The land use claim form can be created as follows. The purpose is to convey the meaning of a warning and to remind people that it is private land, and to collect additional parking fees.

Illegal parking warning letter
warning letter

Write and insert the above warning letter between the front wipers of the vehicle, take a photo so that the front of the vehicle and the license plate are visible, and send it to the subject via text message.

Usually, if you do this, you won’t have to blush, and the other person won’t park illegally again. However, if you continue to park illegally without notice, you can collect the data by re-issuing a warning letter several times and sending it via text message.


If you prepare a history of unauthorized parking warnings and text messages that have been previously issued, go to the police station in your jurisdiction, and file a complaint for trespassing into a building, it will be treated as a criminal case and a criminal case can be proceeded. In civil terms, it is possible to proceed with the case. A lawsuit for return may be filed.

The psychology of people who park illegally is mainly due to the selfishness of thinking only about their own convenience and the shallowness of trying to park without paying, so if you instill a clear awareness of the possibility of financial loss and legal punishment, you can clean your private property. can be maintained.