베라핏 다이어트 가격 총정리 VeraFit Diet Price Summary

VeraFit price, diet, reviews, side effects Oh Na-ra’s body secret
베라핏 다이어트 가격


Gone are the days of starvation diets. A diet that can be enjoyed while eating three meals a day Let’s introduce the price of Vera Fit recommended as a model by actor Oh Na-ra, diet, review, my own money, side effects and precautions.

베라핏 다이어트 가격

Representative photo of Verafit

1. Vera Fit Diet Ingredients
2. Vera Fit Diet Effect
3. Vera Fit Diet Price Range
4. Where to buy Vera Fit Diet, reviews

Vera Fit Diet is a diet supplement released by Pete Co., Ltd. The main components are composed of two supplements, Vera Fit Light and Vera Fit. If you eat this Vera Fit without skipping three meals a day, it is a great advantage that you can amplify the basic metabolism itself because carbohydrates and body fat are naturally burned in the body.








Vera Fit Diet Main Ingredients
The main ingredient of Vera Fit Diet is mainly composed of 10 vegetable proteins.



Cabbage Powder Ingredients
Pomegranate Concentrate Powder Ingredients
Sweet Pumpkin Concentrate Powder Ingredients
Ingredients of Fruit and Vegetable Mixed Powder
Red Root Extract Powder Ingredients
Seaweed Calcium Ingredients
Dextrin Ingredients
Vera Fit Heungkuk Powder Ingredients
Ingredients of Pediatric Leaf Extract Powder
Green Tea Extract Ingredients









It consists of 10 kinds of vegetable protein, and among the ingredients, we should pay attention to the main ingredients contained in vera pit, namely doloe leaves and red yeast rice.





The effects of Vera Fit Diet can be classified into three major categories. It is a positive diet supplement that can improve weight loss and cardiovascular disease, and improve blood circulation and constipation for those with severe constipation.


There is a component called saponin in red yeast rice and doloe leaves. This saponin component is an enzyme called AMPK, and this enzyme interferes with the synthesis of fat in the body and has a very positive effect on reducing body fat.


In addition, the component called catechin in red yeast rice and green tea amplifies the secretion of hormones in our body, increases basal metabolism, helps weight loss, and makes you feel full easily, which has a positive effect of suppressing fat absorption.







Excessive weight loss can cause side effects and symptoms in the body because nutrients in our body are in an imbalanced state. However, when taking Vera Fit diet supplements, it has a positive effect on improving our cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. coming.


Lastly, the enemy of diet includes constipation. Because it is composed of vegetable protein, even if you are on a diet, you are not constipated because it is rich in dietary fiber, and the ingredient called dextrin promotes beneficial bacteria inside our body, so it lowers cholesterol levels and, conversely, improves blood circulation. Brings positive results to circulation.






Vera Fit Diet Price Range
The price range of Vera Fit Diet varies by number of months and is 400,000 won per month. Since there is also a 3+1 event, you can purchase it for 1.2 million won based on 160 bags.


KRW 400,000 per month
1.2 million won for 4 months in case of event

Reviews of where to buy Vera Fit Diet
Vera Fit Diet is not sold in places such as online markets unless you purchase it second-hand, and you must purchase it through a counselor. You must express your intention to purchase after sufficient consultation with the agent through the official website before proceeding with the purchase.


Vera Fit Diet website is attached below.

vera fit

100% vegetable main ingredient certified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, no more stressful diets!


Overdosing on anything good for the body can cause adverse reactions in the body. Although there are no significant side effects of Vera Fit products, 2 packets per day is the recommended amount, and if the daily recommended amount is exceeded and overdose may cause abdominal pain or gastrointestinal disorders, please be sure to follow the recommended amount per day. If you currently have a separate medicine or disease, we recommend that you purchase through sufficient consultation before purchasing.





Vera Fit Diet Review
Vera Fit Diet review is as follows.







I lost 100kg to 90kg through exercise, but no matter how much aerobic exercise I did, I couldn’t burn fat. After taking Vera Fit Diet Supplements and working out in parallel, I lost 7kg in less than a month.
I thought it was a constitution that doesn’t lose weight well and the flesh itself is hard, but after taking it, it wasn’t a dramatic effect, but I went up the scale every week and saw a 1kg decrease.

I will finish posting information related to the price range of Vera Fit Diet and the latter effect.