마그네슘 효능 Magnesium, a mineral essential for our bodies, must be considered for side effects when taken as a nutritional supplement < Life < Educational materials < Educational materials < Text of article - EduinNews

마그네슘 효능Magnesium, called a ‘natural sedative,’ not only stabilizes nerve and muscle cells, but also helps strengthen bones by helping calcium to be transported well throughout the body.
However, many modern people lack magnesium in their bodies. People who drink too much, are under a lot of stress, take medications such as diuretics, and pregnant or lactating women are prone to magnesium deficiency. Additionally, drinking coffee too often can cause magnesium deficiency. One study found that the more coffee you consume, the lower your intake of nutrients, including magnesium. Also, when our body is stressed, it consumes a large amount of minerals.
Research has shown that magnesium deficiency increases the risk of under-eye twitching, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke, and reduces memory. In addition, anxiety, panic disorder, headaches, etc. may appear. The daily magnesium intake recommended by the Korean Society of Nutrition is approximately 350 mg for men, 270 mg for women, and 320 mg for pregnant women.
Foods that are good for magnesium intake include nuts such as almonds and peanuts, and seaweed such as seaweed and damima. Kelp contains 760 mg of magnesium per 100 g, almonds contain 242 mg per 100 g, and sunflower seeds contain 315 mg per 100 g.
An official from Multivitamin Spesh said, “Magnesium decreases with age, so if you suspect magnesium deficiency, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, it is best to supplement with nutritional supplements that are good for magnesium intake.” He added, “Start with magnesium powder recommended by hospitals and pharmacies. “There are a variety of magnesium nutritional supplements and health functional foods, including capsules and liquids, but it is necessary to consume them in accordance with the recommended daily amount,” he explained.
He continued, “Magnesium is an essential nutrient for health, but if consumed in excessive amounts, side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and headaches may occur, so be careful. It helps relax muscles and induce sleep, so take it in the evening rather than the morning.” “I recommend doing it,” he added.

마그네슘 효능
