다이소 영업시간 알아보기 Find out Daiso’s business hours

In the past, when there were many stationery stores, going to Daiso was often like a whole new world. Because it’s cheap. But these days, many stationery stores have disappeared. This is because the number of students is decreasing for various reasons and there is no price competition with Daiso. In my case, I simply go to buy cotton swabs or wet tissues. Because the quantity is large compared to the price range. Even if you look at the neighborhood where I live, they are always found near the station, and they seem to have become so common that they appear even near the neighborhood. They have also expanded a lot, so some of the larger ones have basements and even third floors. The categories are divided by floor, and the larger Daiso store, the more products there are.

다이소 영업시간

다이소 영업시간

Daiso is not open 24 hours a day, but is open from 10:00 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening. I think you should check the time carefully before visiting. We are open for a set 12-hour period, and depending on the store, we open 30 minutes early or close 30 minutes early, so it would be good to keep this in mind.



When I went to Daiso last month, they sold a lot of Halloween products, but these days, with the release of Frozen 2, they are selling a lot of Frozen products. Also, since it is the Christmas season, they are selling various trees and Santa Claus products. No matter how expensive the product itself is, it doesn’t seem like a huge burden since it costs between 1,000 and 5,000 won.





I live in Gyeonggi-do, and when I visited Seoul, I searched for the area + Daiso on Naver Maps to find a nearby store. Also, if you click on the Daiso store in question, you can see the store’s operating hours along with directions and also check its humu. It’s the same in my neighborhood, but when I searched other stores, they were open every day with no special holidays. I was able to confirm that it was in operation even when I went to Anyang during the holidays. Although it is not specifically designated, you will be in trouble if the door does not open when you visit, so you should definitely search and call the number to check whether it is open or not. Each store has a separate number, and customer service is available at 1522-4400 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.





When I was shopping this time, I looked around various stores, and a lot of Frozen 2 character shoes and gloves caught my eye, so I ended up buying a pair of indoor slippers with Elsa printed on them. Since you can accumulate mileage on your own, it is a good idea to collect it from time to time. Of course, even if you buy a lot, the price is cheap, so you don’t feel like you’re accumulating mileage very well.





To summarize, most stores’ business hours are 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. And it is open year-round (just in case, search and call) and as of the end of November, you can find a variety of Santa and Frozen products during the Christmas season. Most Frozen products are sold for 5,000 won. I can summarize it to that extent. Before visiting Daiso, it is a good idea to check the business hours before stopping by, and writing down the items you want to buy in advance will help you shop more efficiently.