2024 근로소득 원천징수영수증 발급 방법(feat. 홈택스, 손택스) How to issue a 2024 earned income withholding receipt (feat. Hometax, Sontax)

Earned income withholding receipt
It is required when reporting comprehensive income tax.
Freelancers and workers who left work before year-end tax settlement can accurately check their previous year’s income by checking their withholding tax receipt.

근로소득 원천징수영수증

근로소득 원천징수영수증
In order to accurately reduce taxes and data submitted to various organizations, income data, and taxes, you must check your earned income withholding tax receipt.
An earned income withholding receipt is a document that workers receive from their employers to pay earned income tax. This receipt details the worker’s earned income and the amount withheld. Workers refer to this receipt to verify their income when reporting and paying earned income tax.

The earned income withholding receipt includes the worker’s basic information and the employer’s information, as well as detailed information on income and tax amount. This receipt is one of the important documents workers need when reporting and paying income tax.

Workers regularly receive this receipt from their employer, and when reporting and paying earned income tax, taxes are accurately calculated based on this receipt.


In just 1 minute!
We will issue you a receipt for earned income withholding tax.


1. Run the National Tax Service Sontax app.

Go to Sontex

Go to install the National Tax Service Sontex on your smartphone


2. Log in.


3. Click My Home Tax and click View Earned Income Payment Statement in Year-end Settlement Simplification/Payment Statement.


4. Perform user authentication. If the certificate has been registered in advance, the process will proceed immediately.


5. You can immediately check the expenditure details on the earned income payment statement.

* Hometax’s mobile app, Sontax, is a service for worker verification and is not for submission to other organizations (banks, government offices, etc.), so documents for submission can be issued from a PC (Hometax) and printed.


6. Just like on mobile, access Hometax, log in, and then access My Hometax.


7. Click for payment statement submission details in year-end tax settlement/incentives/student loans!


8. After user authentication, you can check submission details such as payment statements and print them.

The earned income withholding tax receipt required when reporting comprehensive income tax can be issued through Hometax (PC) and Sontax (mobile)!



If you follow the above steps, you can easily check your earned income withholding tax receipt.