국민행복기금 소액대출 National Happiness Fund small loan eligibility conditions, recipients, limit, interest rate, review period 2023

국민행복기금 소액대출Let’s summarize the purpose, target and qualifications of the National Happiness Fund microloan fund, loan amount, interest rate, period, repayment method, loan procedure, required documents, contact information, reviews, etc. If you are interested in this product, it will definitely be helpful for you to read until the end as we have summarized everything about microloans.

National Happiness Fund’s small loan products can only be used for medical expenses, rental expenses, wedding funds, childbirth expenses, funeral expenses, student loans, personal disaster prevention funds, self-employed support funds, and living stability funds.

This small loan is a product that can be applied for by those who have faithfully repaid for more than 9 months or completed repayment (within 3 years) after receiving credit recovery support.

Additionally, people who have used the Change Dream Loan for more than 9 months or who have completed the loan can also apply. Lastly, anyone who has faithfully followed the personal rehabilitation repayment plan for more than 24 months can apply.

The loan limit is up to 15 million won. However, not everyone can receive a loan of up to 15 million won. Please note that the loan amount is adjusted based on the faithful repayment period.

The loan interest rate is 3-4% per year.

The loan term is up to 5 years.

The loan amount is repaid in equal installments of principal and interest.

Loans are made in the above order. First, you can check whether a loan is available through the National Happiness Fund website and customer support center. You then apply for the loan and go through the review process.

Please note that if any documents are missing, they can be supplemented within 10 business days. If you do not recharge within 10 business days, your loan will be cancelled. You will be notified of the results after the loan is approved, and if you wish to check directly, you can check it on the website.

National Happiness Fund website

Go to the National Happiness Fund website

For loan inquiries, please contact the Korea Asset Management Corporation Customer Support Center. The Korea Asset Management Corporation Customer Support Center phone number is 1588-3570.

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The product introduced today is a small loan product suitable for vulnerable groups such as those applying for personal rehabilitation, recipients of basic livelihood security, the disabled, and the elderly over 70 years of age. In general, in general finance, it is virtually impossible for people like the above to get a loan.

However, by using small loans from the National Happiness Fund, even underprivileged people can receive loans at low interest rates. In general, vulnerable groups can only use high-interest loans, but using this product, they can receive low-interest loans, easing their burden.

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To see if you qualify for a fill adjustment, please call 1588-3570.

Applicants for debt adjustment through the reception desk can apply through the Korea Asset Management Corporation’s regional headquarters or a credit information agency in consignment work. If you would like to apply for debt restructuring online, you can do so through the National Happiness Fund website.

National Happiness Fund website

Go to the National Happiness Fund website

If you are unable to repay the loan, the loan term can be extended up to 10 years and you can receive assistance in monthly installments. In addition, there are general relief, relief for special debtors, and additional relief for long-term debtors, and their meanings are as follows.

The Credit Recovery Committee’s emergency small loan (emergency life stabilization fund) can be loaned up to 5 million won, and the loan interest rate is around 4% per year.

You can apply for an emergency small loan (Emergency Life Stabilization Fund) through the Credit Recovery Committee website.

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The National Happiness Fund supports low-interest microloan products that poor people can use. If used well, it is an economically useful product, so please refer to it if you need an emergency fund or loan.

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국민행복기금 소액대출
