국민내일배움카드 신청방법 How to apply for the Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card and precautions when using it

국민내일배움카드 신청방법People who apply for the Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card for my work for tomorrow and how to use it
Today, we will learn about the National Tomorrow Learning Card, which is part of the employment insurance’s job competency development project. It started with the ‘Tomorrow Learning Card’ in the past, and was changed to the ‘National Tomorrow Learning Card’ by expanding the target audience.
However, please check that card issuance is excluded if you fall under the following exclusions.

Application can be made through the website of HRD-Net (https://www.hrd.go.kr), the job training portal of the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Basically, you need to register as a member of HRD-Net, and if you follow the order below, you can apply smoothly. can do.
Job training portal HRD-Net
HRD-Net Homepage

When I log in to HRD-Net, the ‘Apply for Issuance’ button and application details for the national tomorrow’s learning card do not exist. If you press the blue button, you can apply for a learning card tomorrow.

After simple authentication and co-certification registration, login with public certificate

At the time of issuance, a certificate login is additionally required. If you have not registered a certificate on the site, you must register once and log in with the certificate. Certificates can be used for simple authentication of Naver, KakaoTalk, and financial institutions, as well as existing joint (official) certificates.

Issuance procedure

The issuance process is briefly explained. There may be individual differences, but each item is guided by the fact that it takes about 30 minutes to process everything.

Check your rights and obligations

There is a process to check the rights and obligations of the applicant. You can check the contents through the square box on the right, and the status will change from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Confirmed’ only after going through this process. If you fall under the following types of preferential treatment Since there is an exemption or reduction of self-burden, it would be good to take a good look at it. And when you finish the contents, select the checkbox at the bottom right and check the following rights and obligations.

In addition, you can select the appropriate item according to your current situation.

Fill out the application

You will enter your personal information. It is necessary to record information such as address, mobile phone and educational background, and select the tomorrow learning card.
Select card issuance type

Credit and debit cards can be issued through NH Nonghyup Card and Shinhan Card.
New issuance can be selected if there is no issuance history, and existing card reuse can be selected if you want to reuse the Tomorrow Learning card you have.
When choosing a credit card company, it is necessary to link it with a bank account.

All banks can use credit cards, but when issuing a check card, Nonghyup check cards can only be used in your Nonghyup account, and Shinhan check cards are limited to Shinhan, Nonghyup, Kookmin, Hana, Woori, Post Office, and SC First Bank accounts in your name. it’s possible.
Check eligibility

This is the last step. This is the step to check whether you are currently eligible for issuance by selecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for each of the application qualifications previously announced. If consent to the collection, use, and provision of other personal information is obtained, the application process will be completed.

Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card Application Manual.pdf

Because the process of making tomorrow’s learning card is all online, please be sure to read the information and confirmation carefully.

If you have any inquiries during the process, please contact each center below for assistance.
In addition, card issuance application can be applied on mobile, so after checking the application requirements of the person, it can be processed in either PC or mobile environment.

It is a system that is of great help to both those who wish to find a job and those who are currently working at a job to improve their job skills and job capabilities, so if you need it, please apply and take advantage of it in a timely manner.

Reference: Ministry of Employment and Labor HRD-Net

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국민내일배움카드 신청방법

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