구전녹용 가격 및 효능 총정리 Overall summary of oral deer antler price and efficacy

Learn about oral deer antler (price, reviews, dosage issues).
구전녹용 가격
hello. This is the grooming uncle. Today, I would like to post about oral antler (price, reviews, issues). I hope today’s post will be of great help with nutritional supplements and health information.

구전녹용 가격


1. Introduction – What is oral antler? The beginning of oral verdure?

Gujeon antler is a treasure trove of heavenly blessing and was grown in the severe cold of minus 30˚C at an altitude of 2,000m above sea level in the Russian farm region of Abaysk, which contains the powerful life energy of the strong Russian deer.



2. Body – Containing oral deer antler, information?
Pyunkang Oriental Medicine Research Institute Oral antler

Russian abaisk antler and oral antler made by Pyunkang Oriental Medicine Research Institute.

Gujeon antler is an antler made from carefully selected 12 domestic natural ingredients. The contents and contents of this oral antler include sukjihwang, cnidium, angelica, peony, baekchul, bokryeong, astragalus, licorice, ginger, jujube, acacia, red ginseng, and honey. In this way, a total of 12 carefully selected domestic natural herbal ingredients are mixed with Russian deer antler in a golden ratio and brewed. Even Gujeon antler is reliable because it uses the only Russian antler from Abaysk in Korea.

-Product name: Gujeon antler pattern
-Number/capacity: 30 packets / 80mL
-Price: 320,000 won
-Dosage: 1 pack/day

To give you a little bit of ‘common sense about deer antler’, among deer antler parts, the tips and bones are the most expensive and in high demand. Therefore, this oral deer antler belongs to the whole decoction of bone marrow, tip, and upper middle and lower halves.

Gujeon antler pattern is the traditional Russian antler of Abaysk, and it is considered the best among antlers, and it has been called Wonyong since ancient times. As mentioned earlier, the antler from Abaysk in Russia is the only antler in Korea.




3. Conclusion – Actual review of oral deer antler?
First of all, I have been feeding oral antler for over 10 years for my son who is studying. The price of oral antlers has risen a lot, but I plan to continue feeding them to support my son’s tireless stamina. (Eom**)

About two weeks ago, when I was living with a slight cold, I coughed a little, so I decided to buy an antler for the first time in my life to increase my immunity to the sensitive corona situation. Since it was my first time, I bought it in order of oral bath, which is easy to eat. I took one packet a day, and until today, it’s been exactly a week, but first of all, the small cough that I was concerned about has gone. It may still be premature, but since these effects appear directly, I rather trust and diligently eat one packet at a time. After a month, I feel like my health and body will become lighter. (Mr. Moon**)

We looked for information on the price, dosage, and contents of oral deer antler. I hope today’s nutrition health post will help you take a little bit of information. thank you