공용 와이파이 무료 사용 방법 Subway Free Wifi Connection – How to use KT Wifi Lock

공용 와이파이 무료 사용 방법First of all, the method introduced here can be said to be honey information as a connection method excluding the KT FREE Wifi zone for KT Wi-Fi with a lock.
Subway Free Wifi Connection – How to use KT Wifi Lock

In the case of a Wi-Fi locked with a padlock like this, it seems that you need to enter a password to access it, but it is simpler than you think and you can connect to free Wi-Fi on the subway without entering a password.

Select KT WIFI with locked padlock

If you select KT WIFI through the mobile phone Wi-Fi settings, you will be connected to the KT Wifi Zone homepage as you can see.
Exit Page and go to Wi-Fi settings.

Then the EAP method is very versatile.
A total of 7 methods are provided, and if you select the SIM method here, you can connect to Wi-Fi using the SIM method in your mobile phone.

Subway KT WIFI connection completed without password

Afterwards, if you select connect automatically, you can see that the locked KT WIFI is connected.

Briefly, the Wi-Fi connection method is as follows.
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