경기도 청년 면접수당 신청 방법 2023 1st Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application qualifications and methods summary

The 2023 1st Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance is a project that provides up to 500,000 won in local currency to young people between the ages of 18 and 39 who are looking for a job. Applications are available from May 10th to June 16th, and you can apply online at Catch the Appli website.

경기도 청년 면접수당 신청 방법



2023 1st Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance Application Go

아름다운 일상경기도 청년 면접수당 신청 방법


2023 1st Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance
Support contents
Application period
How to apply
application documents
Helpful information to read together
2023 1st Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance
Young people between the ages of 18 and 39 in Gyeonggi-do who are looking for a job are eligible and must meet the following qualifications.


Age : Born between 1983.1.2 ~ 2005.12.31
Period of Residence: Resident in Gyeonggi-do as of the date of application
Interview: Young people who applied for an interview to get a job after January 1, 2023
2023 1st Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance Recruitment Announcement.pdf

Support contents

Up to KRW 500,000 per person is supported in the local currency of Gyeonggi-do. (50,000 won per interview, up to 10 times)


Gyeonggi Regional Currency Benefits

Gyeonggi regional currency is an alternative currency issued by 31 cities and counties in Gyeonggi-do to increase actual sales of regional traditional markets and small business owners and to promote a virtuous cycle in the local economy.


1. Payment period: within 40 days from the date of application

2. Required implementation: Those who have completed sign-up and registration after installing the local currency application

If you apply for local currency in the same city or district as your local currency, automatic recharge without a separate procedure.
Pre-registration must be completed when non-users of local currency or applying for new local currency

Application period
May 10, 2023 (Wed) 09:00 ~ June 16 (Fri) 18:00


How to apply
Applications can be made through the Gyeonggi-do job support project integrated application system (Jababa Apply).

Result confirmation: Gyeonggi-do job support project integrated application system ‘My Page’
2023 1st Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance Application Go


application documents
All application documents must be filed online.


1. Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application form and personal information usage agreement (to be filled out online)

2. Copy of resident registration (required to indicate the date of issue and date of move-in, hide the last digit of the resident registration number): Submit a copy issued after May 2, 2023

3. Recruitment announcement

4. Interview confirmation


Shortcut to issuance of interview confirmation



1. When applying for multiple interviews, it is mandatory to fill out an application for each interview.

2. If you are selected as the subject of the interview allowance, you must complete the registration of the local currency in advance to receive the payment.

Registration is required if you do not use local currency or apply for a new local currency.
3. You can also apply for an interview for a short-time job (less than 30 hours a week).

4. For the first round of recruitment in 2023, retrospective application is possible only for those who applied for an interview in December 2022.

Qualifications are the same as the 1st recruitment in 2023. However, it is possible to apply only during the 1st recruitment period, and the number of applications for the interview allowance in 2022 (up to 6 times) must remain.
5. You can also apply for interviews with companies located outside of Gyeonggi-do and overseas companies, regardless of whether you are currently employed or not.

6. In case of re-registration or non-selection within the application period, re-application is possible only during the application period, but corrections and supplements are not allowed after the final submission.

7. Local currency must be registered within 2 months from the date of selection. Failure to do so will be regarded as a waiver of receipt and will be withdrawn.


2023 1st Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance Application Go


Helpful information to read together
1. Gyeonggi Regional Currency Benefits


2. 2023 Gyeonggi-do youth basic income application conditions


3. Summary of 2023 Gyeonggi Youth Capacity Building Opportunity Support Project


4. How to apply for free rental of interview suits